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sexta-feira, 9 de dezembro de 2011

Fwd: Your Gift Can Have Twice The Impact—Learn How!

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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: ASPCA <>
Date: 2011/12/5
Subject: Your Gift Can Have Twice The Impact—Learn How!

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Donate Today and the ASPCA Will Double Your Gift!
Right now when you make a gift to the ASPCA today it will have twice the impact! Thanks to a generous matching gift grant, every contribution you make to the ASPCA will be doubled until we reach $100,000 in matching donations.
Help Us Reach $100K
Member support like yours makes it possible for the ASPCA to work with local shelters and animal rescue organizations across the country, and affect the lives of hundreds of thousands of animals. Your gift today will have an immediate impact!
This opportunity is for a limited time only, so please give today. And remember, donations made by December 31, 2011, qualify as a 2011 tax deduction.
Will You Rise to the Challenge
Last Minute Tax Break Forward to a Friend Facebook Twitter
Always remember to Make Pet Adoption Your First Option®!
Please visit our website: · update your profile · unsubscribe
This email was sent by: ASPCA
424 East 92nd Street New York, NY, 10128, United States

Anne Brito
"Sou só uma, mas ainda assim sou uma.

Não posso fazer tudo, mas posso fazer alguma coisa.

E por, não poder fazer tudo, não deixarei de fazer o pouco que posso."

Nada + Nada = NADA
Pouco + Pouco = MUITO
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