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sexta-feira, 5 de novembro de 2010

RJ: Cachorro super fofo precisa de um lar urgente. - OFF TOPIC , ADOÇÃO ANIMAL , URGENTE !!!

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----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, November 05, 2010 4:23 PM
Subject: Fwd: RJ: Cachorro super fofo precisa de um lar urgente.

O lindo e dócil cachorrinho Duck precisa de um lar!
Quem o acolheu já tem 3 cães no apartamento, e está pagando diária numa clínica (sem poder), tentando encontrar um adotante bacana pra ele.
Mas para adotante responsável: um lugar seguro, protegido e aconchegante para viver, boa ração, cuidados veterinários, JAMAIS ABANDONAR, e, sobretudo, AMOR!
Marcia - / (21) 8127-5750
Nathan (21) 9312-1387.
Vamos ajudar a divulgar!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Marcia Gitahy <>
Date: 2010/10/25
Subject: Enc: Duck precisa de um lar

Meus caros,
O Duck foi achado pelo Nathan, meu enteado estudante de Veterinária, que cuidou dele.
Lá em nosso apartamento já temos 3 animais (duas achadas na rua também) e não temos espaço para mais um. Ele precisa de um lar, de amor, carinho e atenção.
No momento, está vivendo numa clínica e não temos mais como pagar as diárias para ele ficar lá, a espera de adoção.
Não queremos soltá-lo nas ruas novamente, pois ele é um cachorro criado em casa, só anda na coleira, só come ração, não late. Enfim, não foi "criado" solto nas ruas, e não tem malícia para se defender.
Acreditamos que ele tenha fugido e se perdido. É extremamente dócil e carinhoso.
Temos o coração partido em não podermos ficar com ele, por isso queremos saber se alguém pode ou conhece uma pessoa de bom coração que queira um futuro grande amigo ao seu lado.
Ele já está vacinado, vermifugado e castrado.
Se souberem de um novo lar, por favor, entrem em contato pelo meu telefone (8127-5750) ou do Nathan (9312-1387).
Obrigada e que São Francisco de Assis proteja a todos.
Márcia Cristina

--- Em sex, 8/10/10, Márcia Cristina Gitahy de Mattos <> escreveu:

De: Márcia Cristina Gitahy de Mattos <>
Assunto: Duck precisa de um lar


Este é o Duck.
(See attached file: Duck1.JPG)(See attached file: Duck2.JPG)

Cão macho encontrado ferido na rua, foi tratado e está muito bem.
Foi vacinado, vermifugado e castrado.
Porte médio a grande, SRD da mais alta estirpe, aproximadamente 4 a 5 anos
de idade.
É extremamente dócil e se relaciona super bem com outros cães, gatos e
Muito quieto e obediente.
Parece ter fugido de casa e se perdido.
Infelizmente não temos como ficar com ele, já temos uma cadela e duas gatas
no nosso apartamento. E ele merece um lar adequado.

Interessados favor entrar em contato pelo telefone 9312-1387 - Nathan



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Gente querida do Grito do Bicho
Vem aí o II° ECADIA!!!!  Vai ser um grande encontro aqui no RJ. Faltam só 12 dias. Leiam nossas postagens de hoje clicando no link abaixo:
abraços, muito obrigado e agradeço se puderem divulgar nosso trabalho. Ah, não deixem de comentar no blog, ok?
sheila moura
 Visite nosso blog 

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quinta-feira, 4 de novembro de 2010

Enc: [InfoSentiens] Denúncia: cachorrinha é queimada viva

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--- Em ter, 2/11/10, Sentiens Defesa Animal <> escreveu:

De: Sentiens Defesa Animal <>
Assunto: [InfoSentiens] Denúncia: cachorrinha é queimada viva
Data: Terça-feira, 2 de Novembro de 2010, 17:30

ANDA e SENTIENS denunciam:
Cachorra é queimada viva em SC
Segundo a veterinária, 85% do corpo do animal está em carne viva. A cachorra foi queimada no município de Palhoça, na Grande Florianópolis.
Veja abaixo a carta enviada pelo Sentiens e pela ANDA às autoridades de Palhoça: Polícia Civil, Polícia Militar, Ministério Público e Secretaria Municipal de Meio Ambiente, com cópia para a imprensa. Se desejar, use como modelo:
Exmos. Promotor de Justiça de Palhoça, autoridades da Policia Civil e Militar e Secretário Municipal de Meio Ambiente
Vimos expressar nosso repúdio e indignação pelo ocorrido na Barra da Aririú, onde um cão foi barbaramente agredido, queimado vivo.
Solicitamos providências imediatas para que o caso seja devidamente investigado e esclarecido, e para que os criminosos sejam rigorosamente punidos. Ressaltamos que, segundo a reportagem do Diário Catarinense, já há suspeitos a serem inqueridos.
Inaceitável qualquer expressão de violência, mas em especial a perpetrada contra seres extremamente sensíveis e vulneráveis como os animais. A perversidade de se atear fogo a um animal choca até mesmo o mais experiente defensor dos animais, familiarizado com todos os tipos de violência que os vitimam cotidianamente.
Aguardamos providências.
ANDA - Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais
Sentiens Defesa Animal
Atividade nos últimos dias:
Participe da Comunidade Sentiens no Orkut:



Enc: [InfoSentiens] OLHAR ANIMAL - ADOÇÃO ESPECIAL (ajude a divulgar!)

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--- Em sex, 5/11/10, Olhar Animal <> escreveu:

De: Olhar Animal <>
Assunto: [InfoSentiens] OLHAR ANIMAL - ADOÇÃO ESPECIAL (ajude a divulgar!)
Data: Sexta-feira, 5 de Novembro de 2010, 0:16

  • Sexo: fêmea  
  • Porte: médio  
  • Idade: 3 ANOS  
  • Região (pelo DDD): 11  
  • Estado: SP
  • Cidade: Mairiporã
  • Informações: Resgatei a Susi de maus tratos há 6 meses, é dócil e carente. É um cachorrinho especial porque é paralítica.  
  • Animal especial: sim  
  • Necessidades especiais:  A Susi é paralítica e precisa de fisioterapia para fortalecer a musculatura. O abrigo tem 60 animais e está sendo muito dificil para a Susi. Nestes tempos por falta de exercicios o quadro tem piorado. Preciso de uma familia especial para ela. Obrigado  
  • Contato: FÁBIO LUIS  
  • Celular: 95313455 
  • E-mail de contato:
Atividade nos últimos dias:
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Help end the killing of dogs and cats in South Korea

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“The man dragged the dog for about twenty meters and tied him to a post. The dog was screaming in pain. The man used his two hands to pull the dog’s tail with all his strength, causing the dog to be choked, crushing his backbone.”

Dear Anne,

The above quote, as you may recall, is from a deeply moving letter from a young South Korean woman asking IDA for help to end the horrific cruelty she had just witnessed - the South Korean dog meat trade.

She continued, “Using all his strength he pulled the dog by his left leg. Next he did the same with the right leg. While the dog was still alive, he was tearing his body apart. The dog was moaning with horrible pain. I asked the man why are you killing the dog so painfully, so cruelly? He smiled at me and proudly told me, ‘Dogs should take a long time to be killed, that way they taste better.”

As I put down her letter, I swore that I would not rest until the horrific cruelty she described came to an end. No matter how long the campaign - no matter how long the fight. 

Her words are as vivid now as they were then.

Any day, all over South Korea, all one has to do is stroll into one of many markets to see dogs jam-packed into crates. When a customer makes a selection, the dog is roughly yanked from the cage, usually strung up, and then ruthlessly beaten as he writhes and cries out in pain, urinating and defecating as he slowly strangles to death.

Even more mindboggling is the “rationale” given for the abuse: that the adrenaline released into the dogs' bloodstreams due to their terror and agony will increase the consumer’s sexual powers.

Cats also suffer horribly in this trade – they are boiled alive to produce “tonics.”

Thanks to your support and the work of our South Korean colleagues pressuring their government, laws protecting animals have been strengthened. 

But there is still no law banning the killing of dogs and cats or even remotely suggesting it is illegal to consume them.

The cruelty and killing continues because it is backed by government indifference, and a profit-driven industry aggressively promoting the myth that consuming tortured dogs and cats increases male sexual prowess and overall health. They bribe government officials, intimidate animal protection campaigners and induce newspapers to extol the "virtues" of dog meat and cat “tonics.”

This is why I need your continued support to keep our campaign going.

This past July, our fifth annual International Day of Action for Dogs and Cats in South Korea featured 38 events around the world, including in South Korea. In San Francisco, we presented the South Korean Consulate with over 20,000 petitions.

Almost simultaneously, IDA’s partner organization in South Korea, Coexistence for Animal Rights on Earth (CARE), visited a dog meat “farm.” They found dogs living in miserable conditions—many with injuries—all filthy and uncared for—all sitting in piles of feces.

These brave activists couldn’t leave without the dogs. At the risk of arrest and personal injury, they rescued the dogs and brought them to CARE’s shelter to be treated, cleaned, and loved for the first time.

CARE has filed a civil complaint against the facility and the owner has agreed to demolish the buildings and not obtain any more dogs. This is a huge victory for the dogs and activists of South Korea!

With IDA’s assistance, thanks to your generosity, CARE is also gearing up for lawsuits against dog meat shops. 

When I think of the trusting eyes of the thousands of animals I ministered to as a veterinarian and think of the love and devotion they give us, these horrors are almost more than I can bear.

Please be as generous as you can.

Funds are needed to:

  • print thousands of brochures, flyers and posters - to flood key South Korean government officials with petitions, letters, phone calls, faxes, and e-mails.
  • intensify our International Day of Action for Dogs and Cats in South Korea.
  • continue to support the daily work of our partners in South Korea, who have requested  IDA’s assistance in purchasing billboard space, bus and newspaper advertisements.

With your help we will win this battle for the millions of frightened, innocent animals who are tortured, mutilated, and killed in South Korea.

For the animals who have died such terrible deaths—whose lives depend on us—let us never rest until the horrors end. And be assured that I will make each dollar do the work of many

As Jihyun Jun, the representative of CARE, our partners in South Korea, put it not so long ago: “Let us march together until we end the barbaric and brutal practice of eating man’s best friend.”

Thank you once again for your kindness, generosity and caring, and for all you do to make the world a more just and compassionate place.



Elliot M. Katz, DVM

Founder and Chairman of the Board
In Defense of Animals           


In Defense of Animals, located in San Rafael, Calif., is an international animal protection organization with more than 100,000 members and supporters dedicated to ending the abuse and exploitation of animals by protecting their rights and welfare. IDA's efforts include educational events, cruelty investigations, boycotts, grassroots activism, and hands-on rescue through our sanctuaries in Mississippi, Mumbai, India, and Cameroon, Africa.

In Defense of Animals is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization. We welcome your feedback and appreciate your donations. Please join today! All donations to IDA are tax-deductible.

In Defense of Animals
3010 Kerner, San Rafael, CA 94901
Tel. (415) 448-0048 Fax (415) 454-1031

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Olha Rita, sobre essa lei que vc está pedindo assinaturas...
Cuidado!! Projeto q cria Código Federal de Bem Estar Animal institui MORTE dos animais
ANIDA e SUIPA alertam PL federal que cria Código Federal de Bem Estar Animal institui morte dos animais
Muitos tem repassado um abaixo assinado apoiando o projeto de lei 215/2007 que institui o Código Federal de Bem Estar Animal. Mas muitos desconhecem o prejuízo que este projeto de lei pode acarretar para a causa animal .
É importante frisar que o Projeto de Lei em questão nada tem a ver com a Lei do Rio Grande do Sul, que permite o uso de animais em cultos religiosos, vale lembrar que temos uma Lei e um Decreto Federal que proíbem e punem a prática de crueldade e maus tratos contra animais, que se aplicam perfeitamente no Rio Grande do Sul, uma vez que uma Lei Estadual nunca se sobrepõe a uma Lei Federal.
Leiam o Código que está no site
No caso dele ser sancionado as Leis Estaduais e Municipais, em todo o Brasil, que proíbem a matança de animais nos CCZ, Canis Públicos e Congêneres não terão mais validade em vários de seus artigos, pois o Código prevê a matança :
do mordedor compulsivo, cuja mordedura seja comprovada apenas laudo testemunhal ;
do animal em sofrimento;
do animal com fraturas;
do animal com hemorragias;
do animal com impossibilidade de locomoção;
do animal com mutilação;
do animal com feridas extensas ou profundas;
do animal com eviscerações e prolapsos
com ocorrências constatadas por médico veterinário
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quarta-feira, 3 de novembro de 2010

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Precisamos de 500 mil assinaturas!
Responder | 776 participantes e 2 respostas nesta conversa

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apagar 19:43 (1 minuto atrás)
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 2010 14:30:46 -0700
Subject: cachorro perdido

rita. hj foram na clinica pq acharam um poodle perdido, parece que fugiu pq estava de unha pintada e muito bem tratada se vc souber estou com o tel da pessoa que achou

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News About Animals - November 3, 2010

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  November 3, 2010

Elephants Tina and JewelElephants Tina And Jewel Need You To Contact USDA Today

Tina and Jewel are elephants who were removed from their abusive circus handler by the USDA, after we worked for more than two years for their release. Though we pressed the agency to send them to a sanctuary, Tina and Jewel were sent to the San Diego Zoo. At the time, we recognized that these suffering elephants were getting the medical care they desperately needed - we never expected that they would be shipped off to yet another zoo.

Yet, little more than a year after they were sent to San Diego, the zoo has announced that Tina and Jewel will be sent to the Los Angeles Zoo – which has stated there is no guarantee the elephants will not be moved yet again.

Unfortunately, the USDA cannot make the San Diego Zoo send Tina and Jewel to a sanctuary, but it can create a blueprint for elephant confiscations that ensures traumatized elephants who have endured decades of abuse are retired to a facility that guarantees a permanent home and the specialized care they need. Right now, the only places that assure elephants lifelong homes are the PAWS Sanctuary in California and The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee.

Please click here to send a fax to the USDA. After all they have endured, Tina and Jewel should not be shipped to another zoo.

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SalmonTell FDA You Don't Want Genetically Engineered Salmon (FrankenFish)

We need your help opposing the first ever genetically engineered animal to be approved for human consumption - AquAdvantage Salmon. This GE Salmon is genetically altered to grow twice as fast as regular farmed salmon due to implanted genes from species of faster growing fish, thus getting to market faster and turning a higher profit. This may be the first genetically engineered animal to enter the market, but it will definitely not be the last. AguAvantage Salmon will open the floodgates for genetic manipulation of the animals many people consume.

Please click here to read more and send a quick fax to the FDA!

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wild horsesSave 50 Nevada Mustangs From Roundup And Convince BLM To Adopt Humane Standards 

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is proposing a roundup of 294 wild horses in Nevada's Augusta Mountains Herd Management Area (HMA). Unlike other capture plans, the BLM's Winnemucca District Office intends to treat mares with PZP fertility control and release all horses captured from within the HMA back to the range.

However, approximately 50 horses living outside of the HMA need your help to stay with their families free on the range. The horses are living in an area that was once designated as wild horse habitat but “zeroed out” for wild horses to accommodate grazing of privately-held farmed animals.

The agency is accepting public comments on this plan. Please urge the BLM to cancel the removal of any horses, while making the treat-and-release plan as humane as possible. Click here to submit your comments before the Friday, November 5 deadline.

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nordstrom fur demoNovember 26 - Join IDA And Activists Around The World For Fur Free Friday

Our annual Fur Free Friday is just three weeks away, but there's still time to take action and lend your voice for this rousing global day of outreach for furbearing animals.

Around the world, activists are making strides to forever end the appalling fur trade. 

Click here for more information and to get involved.

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minke whale breachingWorldwide Anti-Whaling Day, November 5

Please join anti-whaling advocates across the globe on November 5 for Worldwide Anti-Whaling Day. We'll be at Japanese Consulates, Embassies, and other visible locations to increase awareness and inspire action to end the slaughter of whales. Click here for a list of events. If there's no event listed in your area but you'd still like to help, contact

Several countries including Japan, Norway, and Iceland continue to hunt whales. Hundreds of years of hunting has devastated whale populations worldwide. Despite a 1986 moratorium on commercial whaling, many species remain in danger of extinction.

IDA continues to educate and rally the public to increase support for protection of whales and their habitats worldwide. IDA is a member of the North American Ocean Noise Coalition, the California Gray Whale Coalition, and the Whales Need Us Coalition.

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In Defense of Animals, located in San Rafael, Calif., is an international animal protection organization with more than 100,000 members and supporters dedicated to ending the abuse and exploitation of animals by protecting their rights and welfare. IDA's efforts include educational events, cruelty investigations, boycotts, grassroots activism, and hands-on rescue through our sanctuaries in Mississippi, Mumbai, India, and Cameroon, Africa.

In Defense of Animals is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization. We welcome your feedback and appreciate your donations. Please join today! All donations to IDA are tax-deductible.

In Defense of Animals
3010 Kerner, San Rafael, CA 94901
Tel. (415) 448-0048 Fax (415) 454-1031

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