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sexta-feira, 9 de dezembro de 2011

Fwd: Bring a penguin into your home!

english mobile

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Tatiana Marshall, Oceana <>
Date: 2011/12/6
Subject: Bring a penguin into your home!

Take Action to Protect the World's Oceans
Dear Anne,
Need a holiday gift for a hard-to-shop-for friend, relative, client, or teacher? Order by Friday to get your adoption by Christmas!
Oceana creature adoptions come with a cookie cutter or plush stuffed animal, plus a personalized adoption certificate. But more than a great present to unwrap on Christmas morning, your gifts to friends and family support healthy oceans.
Swim over to Oceana's adoption center, where you can find a "jawesome" gift for anyone on your list »

By adopting wildlife, you help Oceana:
Protect Arctic and Antarctic animals from climate change and gas development
Stop shark finning and destructive fishing practices that needlessly kill coral and sea turtles
Protect seals and dolphins from oil drilling and spills
All gifts ship free to the US and for just $5 extra, we'll take care of the wrapping! As a special thank you for all your support this year, we are also offering 15% off your adoptions. Just enter the code HOLIDAY2011 at check out by December 24 »
Tatiana Marshall For the oceans,
Tatiana Marshall

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Oceana | 1350 Connecticut Ave. NW, 5th Floor, Washington, DC 20036   p: 877.7.OCEANA

Anne Brito
"Sou só uma, mas ainda assim sou uma.

Não posso fazer tudo, mas posso fazer alguma coisa.

E por, não poder fazer tudo, não deixarei de fazer o pouco que posso."

Nada + Nada = NADA
Pouco + Pouco = MUITO
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