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terça-feira, 14 de junho de 2011

Fwd: The last 340 belugas are counting on us.

english mobile

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: NRDC - Frances Beinecke <>
Date: 2011/6/13
Subject: The last 340 belugas are counting on us.

Dear Anne,

We've rushed to court to save the last remnant of Cook Inlet's beluga population, but we need your immediate support to wage and win this fight for their survival. I hope you'll take a few seconds to watch this amazing footage of belugas and then help NRDC come to their rescue. Thank you.


Amazing video of belugas. Please help save them.

The last 340 belugas of Cook Inlet are fighting for their lives.
Amazing video of belugas. Please help save them.

Once you see and hear these musical creatures, we hope you'll help us rush to their defense. Please watch the 30-second video and donate today.

See rare footage of beluga whales in the wild

Dear Anne,

I urge you to watch this wonderful footage of the highly social and musical belugas -- because they desperately need our help.

View the video.

Three years after we won endangered species protection for the very last 340 belugas of Cook Inlet, Sarah Palin's successor in Alaska has stepped up his state's attack on these embattled creatures. He has filed a lawsuit that would strip away the belugas' life-saving protection.

NRDC has raced to court and is defending these last belugas from the disastrous plans of corporations and politicians, but we urgently need your support.

Please make an online donation so that NRDC can save the last Cook Inlet belugas from extinction and continue protecting our environment in the most effective way possible. Your contribution can make a big difference in this courtroom battle.

Over recent years, the genetically unique beluga population in Cook Inlet, Alaska, has plummeted -- from more than 1,300 to the 340 survivors that remain today. They are truly the last of their kind. And their habitat is under siege.

The latest threat comes from the proposed Pebble Mine, which would require a deepwater port in a part of Cook Inlet where the whales feed. The new port would increase shipping traffic, noise, pollution and other industrial activity -- all to service the monumentally destructive mega-mine.

You and I didn't fight to save these last 340 belugas, only to see them wiped out by the Pebble Mine. That's why it's critical that we stave off the state's outrageous attack on their endangered species status.

Please view the beluga video and donate now. Your gift will help us wage and win this fight for beluga survival.

Thank you for helping at this critical time.

Frances Beinecke
Natural Resources Defense Council



NRDC takes pride in our careful stewardship of your contributions. Donations to this campaign will be used to help NRDC go to court to protect beluga whales and other wildlife or for other campaigns that enable NRDC to defend the environment in the most effective way possible.

We appreciate the opportunity to communicate with you and other NRDC BioGems Defenders. We are committed to protecting your privacy and will never sell, exchange or rent your email address.

Anne Brito

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