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terça-feira, 14 de junho de 2011

Fwd: Urgent: Prevent Government Spending on Animal Cruelty!

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From: ASPCA <>
Date: 2011/6/14
Subject: Urgent: Prevent Government Spending on Animal Cruelty!

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Dear Animal Advocates,

Up until 2007, there were a handful of foreign-owned slaughterhouses in the U.S. that butchered horses for their meat. That meat would be sent to Europe and Asia, where it is considered a delicacy.

Americans oppose horse slaughter and there is no market for such a product here, so for the last several years Congress has effectively prevented the industry from returning by declining to fund inspections. But while this new Congress has prided itself on reducing government spending, there is a real threat that when the 2012 Agriculture Appropriations bill is on the floor for a vote in the U.S. House of Representatives, there may be an amendment offered to bring back horse slaughter.

Fortunately, we can be ready to defeat it—if we all take action now.

The Appropriations bill is likely to be voted on by the U.S. House of Representatives anytime starting Tuesday evening, June 14—so it is critical that you act fast to urge your representative to oppose any amendment to allow horse slaughter back on U.S. soil.

Thankfully, there is also a good amendment we can support on a different animal protection issue. Sadly, millions of tax dollars are used annually to poison and trap wildlife in an effort to address conflicts. These methods are indiscriminate and pets are often victims of these cruelties. We must ensure that the Campbell-DeFazio amendment to defund lethal predator control passes to prevent this suffering in the future.

What You Can Do
Your call could make the life-or-death difference for thousands of animals!

Visit the ASPCA Advocacy Center right now to contact your U.S. representative in Washington, D.C. and request that he or she vote against any amendment to allow horse slaughter and in favor of the Campbell-DeFazio amendment on wildlife. You will find more information, including talking points, by following the above link.

Thank you for taking immediate action, advocates!

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Anne Brito

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