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quinta-feira, 21 de abril de 2011

Fwd: Earth day

english mobile

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dreamstime <>
Date: 2011/4/21
Subject: Earth day

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Latest Update
April 18th 2011

On April 22nd, the Earth is under green spotlights!

Just as light is essential to photography, so is a clean environment to life. Save light to save life! The power is in your hands so turn the light off now to turn the hope on for tomorrow. Join the green scene, do it now!

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Mon Apr 18 13:31 via Facebook

Lately on the Mesage Boards

Apr 19, 2011 (2:31)

Welcome back !!!

posted by Marpit in i`m back

Apr 19, 2011 (2:10)

Hi Avicus - bienvenido! Congratulations on the first 10, good luck with sales. Nice start with your port, that train station on the cliff looks amazing.

posted by Darrinhenry in Hello everyone.

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