| Our Field Investigations and Response Team Needs Your Help | Like many parts of the country this week, it is bitterly cold in Fulton County, Arkansas. | Just a few days ago, temperatures there were in the single digits when our Field Investigations and Response Team got a desperate call from local officials asking if we could help rescue more than 100 severely neglected horses. As you know, the ASPCA is fortunate to have world-class people and equipment that can be deployed rapidly in instances like this. So, as often happens, we leapt into action without a second thought. | We were quickly on the ground, moving the horses to temporary shelter and providing them the food, water and medical care they desperately needed. |  | Even more inspiring was having our team members volunteer to remain on the ground with these horses throughout the holidays to continue providing life-saving care. Without hesitation, | | | Right now every dollar you give in response to this appeal will directly aid our Anti-Cruelty efforts in this case and the others like it in the future. | |  |
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