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quinta-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2010

The ASPCA Field Investigations and Response Team Needs Your Help

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Please Help Today
Our Field Investigations and Response Team
Needs Your Help
Like many parts of the country this week, it is bitterly cold in Fulton County, Arkansas.
Just a few days ago, temperatures there were in the single digits when our Field Investigations and Response Team got a desperate call from local officials asking if we could help rescue more than 100 severely neglected horses. As you know, the ASPCA is fortunate to have world-class people and equipment that can be deployed rapidly in instances like this. So, as often happens, we leapt into action without a second thought.
We were quickly on the ground, moving the horses to temporary shelter and providing them the food, water and medical care they desperately needed.
Even more inspiring was having our team
members volunteer to remain on the ground with these horses throughout the holidays to continue providing life-saving care. Without hesitation,
they willingly sacrificed the time usually reserved for loved ones so that these animals get the second chance they deserve.
And yet for every animal we rescue, there are still countless others who are suffering. We want to ensure that we can be there for every animal who needs our help—and to do that, we ask for yours.
Right now every dollar you give in response to this appeal will directly aid our Anti-Cruelty efforts in this case and the others like it in the future.
We don’t typically ask you to give to a specific ASPCA program, but right now our need is great. Your gift today will be used solely to help rescue animals in distress through our Anti-Cruelty initiatives. Please join us in our fight to end animal abuse and give the gift of life this holiday season. We can’t do it without you.

Always remember to Make Pet Adoption Your First Option®!
ASPCA | 424 E. 92nd St | New York, NY | 10128
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