| Last Chance In 2010 To Have Your Donation Doubled! We are thrilled to offer a rare opportunity to double the value of your donation to In Defense of Animals! Thanks to an incredibly generous IDA supporter, all donations through this link up to $10,000 will be matched! Donate $25 – the animals get $50! Donate $250, IDA automatically gets $500 to help animals! It’s that simple! Please help us end 2010 on a rousing note with a bright future! Donations must be made through this link to qualify. You can also find this matching donation form on our home page: www.idausa.org. We are so grateful for your support - you make our crucial life-saving work possible. |  | South Koreans Demonstrate To End Eating Of Dogs; Rescue Animals From Island Under Attack Our partners in South Korea (CARE) have had their hands full with political unrest and continued animal abuse, but that has not slowed them down. On December 6, CARE took to the streets to educate fellow South Koreans on the misery and cruelty of the dog meat industry. With large signs depicting dogs in filth and squalor, activists educated passersby and encouraged them to stop eating dog meat. Just weeks before, North Korea bombed the South Korean island Yeonpyeong. Dozens were injured and 60 houses caught fire. People fled in terror and some have yet to return, leaving companion animals behind to fend for themselves. The brave staff and volunteers of CARE have gone to Yeonpyeong Island twice to search for and rescue dogs and cats whose guardians fled the conflict zone and abandoned them. CARE left food for some animals they were unable to catch and have taken several dogs and cats to their shelter to be cared for. They will attempt to reunite them with their families or find them new, loving guardians. We commend the bravery of the CARE staff and volunteers for this important work. Your donations to IDA support CARE’s tireless work for dogs in South Korea. Click here to help us continue these efforts. |  | Call For Nominations: Top 10 Worst Zoos For Elephants Now in its seventh year, IDA’s Top Ten Worst Zoos for Elephants list spotlights the devastating effects of captivity on elephants, including lethal arthritis and painful foot disease, social isolation, abnormal behaviors and premature death. This annual list always receives broad media coverage, helping focus attention on the elephants’ suffering and informing the public about the unnatural and inhumane conditions in which zoos hold Earth’s largest land mammals. Click here to see last year's Worst Zoos For Elephants list. IDA needs your nominations to make this list happen! If you’ve visited a zoo where the elephants are held in substandard conditions, incessantly sway and rock, or are managed with bullhooks, click here now to make your nomination! Deadline for submissions is December 30. Help send a loud and clear message that it’s time to end the suffering of elephants in zoos! |  | Act Today To Stop Government From Funding More Wild Horse Roundups The U.S. Congress and the Obama administration are grappling with a staggering budget crisis, yet they still plan to waste tens of millions of dollars on the Interior Department’s broken wild horse and burro program. The department’s request for a $12 million budget increase is moving forward despite Interior Secretary Salazar’s acknowledgement that the program is “unsustainable” and needs an independent scientific review. Help us convince Congress to save tax dollars by restricting funding for the Interior Department’s plan to remove more than 10,000 wild horses from public lands in 2011, and increase the population warehoused in government holding facilities to an astounding 45,000 horses. Congress is set to act on the 2011 federal budget by December 17, so please don’t delay - click here to send your message right now. |  | Victory! NASA Cancels Radiation Experiment It's official - NASA has told Brookhaven Laboratory that they will not be irradiating squirrel monkeys at their facilities. Thank you to the nearly 10,000 IDA members who contacted the Director of Brookhaven and the Secretary of Energy! Almost one year ago, IDA and Shirley McGreal of the International Primate Protection League issued an official complaint to NASA and Brookhaven National Laboratory, criticizing NASA's proposed squirrel monkey radiation experiment. We condemned the cruelty, and presented alternatives that would give better scientific results. Our complaint prompted a written response from the Principal Investigator (or PI - the scientist in charge of the experiment), an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) request for more information from the PI regarding the concerns in our complaint, and another response from the PI to the IACUC - a mandatory response this time. Our actions, as well as those of other activists and organizations, made all the difference. Together we pressured Brookhaven into reviewing the experiment in their Community Advisory Council, we negotiated with officials to make time for our public statements, and, ultimately, we pushed the issue into high-level meetings between NASA and the Department of Energy. None of this would have happened without your thousands of letters, e-mails, faxes, and phone calls. Thank you! | |  | |  | This message was sent to sweetygirl2002@uol.com.br | | | | In Defense of Animals, located in San Rafael, Calif., is an international animal protection organization with more than 100,000 members and supporters dedicated to ending the abuse and exploitation of animals by protecting their rights and welfare. IDA's efforts include educational events, cruelty investigations, boycotts, grassroots activism, and hands-on rescue through our sanctuaries in Mississippi, Mumbai, India, and Cameroon, Africa. In Defense of Animals is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization. We welcome your feedback and appreciate your donations. Please join today! All donations to IDA are tax-deductible. In Defense of Animals 3010 Kerner, San Rafael, CA 94901 Tel. (415) 448-0048 Fax (415) 454-1031 idainfo@idausa.org
To unsubscribe, please click here. | |
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