---------- Forwarded message ----------
Robert Dewey, Defenders of Wildlife <defenders@mail.defenders.org> Date: 2010/11/15
Subject: Will Congress Act for Sea Otters, Lions and Other Struggling Wildlife?
 |  | Dear Wildlife Supporter,
What the 111th Congress does in its closing days will have big implications for sea otters, lions, sea turtles and other wildlife struggling to survive.
Take action now. Urge your senators and representative to pass a wildlife, lands and water package that will help some of our most vulnerable wildlife survive. This is our last chance to pass a critical package of bills that includes:
- The Southern Sea Otter Recovery and Research Act: Provides vital funding for research and recovery efforts to save the struggling southern sea otter.
- The Great Cats and Rare Canids Act: Authorizes critical funds for vital efforts to protect lions and rare animals like snow leopards, Ethiopian wolves, jaguars and other imperiled wildlife struggling to survive.
- The Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act: Ensures resources to conserve five billion birds that migrate between the North and Central America -- including some of the rarest birds on the continent.
- The Marine Turtle Conservation Reauthorization Act: Makes resources available to protect sea turtles and the places they need to survive -- more important than ever after the deadly impacts of BP's Deepwater Horizon oil disaster.
- The Crane Conservation Act: Provides resources to protect the most endangered family of birds in the world, including the North American whooping crane -- the rarest of all cranes.
Since an anti-conservation majority takes over in the House next Congress, this is our last chance for the foreseeable future to pass these important bills -- many of which have been waiting for years to pass. Act now: urge your senators and representative to support a legislative package this year that will help our struggling wildlife. The last days of the 111th Congress will quickly fade away -- but you can help make sure they do the right thing for our wildlife and wild places before they leave. Please take action today.
| Sincerely,
Robert Dewey Vice President for Government Relations Defenders of Wildlife |
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 |  | © Copyright 2010 Defenders of Wildlife.
Defenders of Wildlife is a national, nonprofit membership organization dedicated to the protection of all native wild animals and plants in their natural communities. Defenders of Wildlife can be contacted at: 1130 17th Street, NW Washington, DC 20036 |  |  |
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