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Campaign Team, Care2 Action Alerts <actionalerts@care2.com> Date: 2010/11/13
Subject: Save Nesting Owl's Wetlands
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 Hi Anne, Pot Plant Owl is the name given to the owl who has been nesting in a potted plant outside a home in South Africa for the past three years.
She and many other animals depend on the nearby wetland to survive and feed her owlets.
Unfortunately, the wetland is being threatened with development.
Tell South Africa to save their wetlands.»
One Care2 member has started a petition to urge the South African government to keep their word about preserving the wetlands. Below is a message from the petition author: A 30 hectare 'Greenbelt' stands surrounded by houses and apartment complexes in a suburb of Johannesburg, South Africa. 76% of the greenbelt is a delineated Wetland with a permanent stream, a grassland and a small forest.
The Wattle Forest has been cut down, erosion is attacking the river banks and a construction site with bulldozers waits in anticipation of a new housing development.
This wetland is special. A pair of owls are nesting on the balcony of a house adjacent to it, forced there by loss of habitat. They are currently raising 3 chicks and are dependent on the wetland--this is where they hunt.
You can even <" style="font-weight:bold;color: #1B8ABE;">see the nesting owls on webcam. Destruction of wetlands is happening all over South Africa, and around the world - it is time to Take a Stand.
Please help save the wetland.» Thank you for making a difference.  | Sincerely,
Laura ThePetitionSite |
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