---------- Forwarded message ----------
Rodger Schlickeisen, Defenders of Wildlife <defenders@mail.defenders.org> Date: 2010/11/10
Subject: Never Forget: Stop the Next Oil Disaster
| | Dear Wildlife Supporter ,
This year's Deepwater Horizon oil explosion was the worst offshore oil disaster in U.S. history. It killed 11 people, at least 6,000 birds, 600 threatened or endangered sea turtles and countless other species. It has decimated the local fishing industry. And its impacts will be felt for decades on beaches, national wildlife refuges and other sensitive ecosystems in states around the Gulf. Despite the catastrophic impacts of this disaster, Congress has so far failed to act to prevent the next awful oil disaster. Time is running out for Congress to act. Urge your representative and senators to pass the Clean Energy Jobs and Oil Accountability Act before Congress adjourns for the year. Friend , we need 16 messages in support of oil spill prevention legislation from your county before Friday to meet our 50,000 message goal. Please take action now. It is high time for Congress to pass the Clean Energy Jobs and Oil Accountability Act, legislation that would: - Ensure a major restoration effort and funding for Gulf Coast communities and ecosystems;
- Protect oil rig workers with stronger safety standards;
- Stop the rubber-stamping of industry plans;
- Require greatly improved oil spill response capacity; and
- Eliminate liability caps for oil spill damages, so taxpayers aren't stuck with the bill for disasters like the Deepwater Horizon oil explosion.
Big Oil clearly wants to delay action on this vital issue until the next Congress. They are counting on more pro-oil, anti-wildlife members to derail real reform and are counting on America forgetting the terrible tragedy that still afflicts the Gulf, its economy and its wildlife. With Congress set to adjourn for the year in just a few weeks, time is running out to pass legislation to protect our sea turtles, birds and other wildlife from the next offshore oil tragedy. Please take action now. Write your representative and senators today. Thanks for taking the time to make a difference. | Rodger Schlickeisen President Defenders of Wildlife |
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| | © Copyright 2010 Defenders of Wildlife.
Defenders of Wildlife is a national, nonprofit membership organization dedicated to the protection of all native wild animals and plants in their natural communities. Defenders of Wildlife can be contacted at: 1130 17th Street, NW Washington, DC 20036 | | |
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