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quinta-feira, 28 de outubro de 2010

Fwd: Don’t Give Up the Fight for Sharks

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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Beth Lowell, Oceana <>
Date: 2010/10/27
Subject: Don't Give Up the Fight for Sharks Banner

Dear Anne,

It's Time to End Shark Finning in US Waters

It's time to end shark finning in US waters

Contact Your
Senators Today»

We're so close to protecting sharks in US waters.

As an Oceana supporter, you know that we've been fighting for stronger protections for sharks. We've come so far and the Shark Conservation Act would put an end to shark finning in US waters and close a loophole in existing law.

This year, the bill has already passed the House of Representatives and has even cleared the Senate Committee. The stage is set – we're just awaiting action on the floor of the Senate.

But it's being unnecessarily delayed.

We can't let Congress push aside shark protections for one more year.

Contact your Senators today and urge them to pass the bill this year!

We still have one chance left to get the Shark Conservation Act passed. The Senate will be returning after the elections and looking to tie up loose ends before end of the year. Since the Congressional session ends this year, if this bill doesn't pass now, we will have to start from square one in 2011, further delaying stronger protections for sharks.

Help us get this bill over the finish line! Contact your Senators today and urge them to pass the Shark Conservation Act now to end shark finning in US waters.

We never could have come this far without supporters like you. And we can't afford to let all this work fall through the cracks now that we're so close. Please contact your Senators today.

For the oceans,
Beth LowellBeth Lowell
Federal Policy Director
Twitter: @oceana
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