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sábado, 12 de maio de 2012

Fwd: More money to kill wolves.

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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jamie Rappaport Clark, Defenders of Wildlife <>

Anne -- Did you get my wolf message last week? We still need your help to reach our goal.

Please help us raise $51,000 to counter the special interest wolf-killing funds for Wildlife Services. Together, we can ensure a lasting future for America's wolves.

-- Jamie

Gray Wolf (Photo: Sandy Sisti)
The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation is providing tens of thousands of dollars to help the federal Wildlife Services kill more wolves despite non-lethal deterrents.
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Dear Anne,

The headline says it all:
'Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation gives state $51k to collar, kill wolves' -- The Missoulian, April 18, 2012
Elk hunters are now giving tens of thousands of dollars to help the federal Wildlife Services program more aggressively kill wolves.1

Defenders has long promoted a better way -- a healthy population of wolves increasingly accepted by local communities through non-lethal preventative strategies that reduce conflict between wolves, livestock and people.

Please donate now to help us raise $51,000 to counter these wolf-killing funds. Your support will help us work to promote effective, non-lethal tools to keep wolves out of harm's way -- and protect the wildlife and wild places you care about.

Wildlife Services -- a program under the U.S. Department of Agriculture -- is supposed to reduce conflicts between people and wildlife. But for too long, they've relied on aggressive wildlife killing.

Their record on wolves speaks for itself: From 2000 to 2010 -- when wolves were still endangered -- Wildlife Services was responsible for more than 3,000 wolf deaths.2 And most recently, Wildlife Services employees gunned down 14 wolves from a helicopter in Idaho's Clearwater National Forest to artificially boost elk populations.3

This federal agency should not be paid tens of thousands of dollars by special interests to collar and kill wolves.

Help Defenders stop the aggressive, unnecessary killing of wolves. Please donate now to support our work.

Killing wolves at all costs shows that we have a long way to go in getting past the old notion that "the only good predator is a dead predator." Killing wolves is not an effective solution to livestock loss.

Defenders' on-the-ground work has proven time and time again, that there is a better way. Our pioneering work with ranchers in the heart of wolf country has saved countless wolves by using non-lethal deterrents. Now we're preparing for another season of these proven efforts to keep wolves out of harm's way.

Help us raise $51,000 to counter the wolf-killing funds by helping expand our pioneering work to keep wolves out of harm's way.

Unfortunately, the Elk Foundation is not alone in the quest to kill more wolves. Other groups paid a wolf bounty last year in western Montana.4 Another group even posted instructions for poisoning wolves on their website.5

Defenders will continue our work proving that non-lethal methods are an effective way to keep wolves and livestock safe.

Please donate now to support our work to ensure a lasting future for America's wolves.

Anne, if just 35 people from New York donate $30, we can easily surpass our goal and counteract the wolf-killing funds. Will you help?

We need your support to stop the aggressive, unnecessary wolf-killing that only appeases extremists -- and makes our work to ensure a lasting future for wolves more difficult.

Please donate now.

Jamie Rappaport Clark Sincerely,

Jamie Rappaport Clark
Defenders of Wildlife
P.S. Please make a secure tax-deductible donation online to help support our work to save wolves and other wildlife. Or call 1-800-385-9712 to donate by phone.

2American Society of Mammalogists public comments letter to APHIS citing Wildlife Services data, "RE: recommendations for redirection of management operations by Wildlife Services," March 21, 2012;
3 4

© Copyright 2012 Defenders of Wildlife  |  1130 17th Street NW  |  Washington, DC 20036  |  1-800-385-9712




© Copyright 04/23/2012 Defenders of Wildlife.
Defenders of Wildlife is a national, nonprofit membership organization dedicated to the protection of all native wild animals and plants in their natural communities.
Defenders of Wildlife can be contacted at:
1130 17th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036

Anne Brito
"Sou só uma, mas ainda assim sou uma.

Não posso fazer tudo, mas posso fazer alguma coisa.

E por, não poder fazer tudo, não deixarei de fazer o pouco que posso."

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Pouco + Pouco = MUITO
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