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quinta-feira, 8 de dezembro de 2011

Fwd: Tell Berlin That Slaughtering Wild Pigs is Not the Answer!

english mobile

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kathleen J., Care2 Action Alerts <>
Date: 2011/12/3
Subject: Tell Berlin That Slaughtering Wild Pigs is Not the Answer!

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Hi Anne,

Outside of Berlin's city limits, up to 10,000 wild pigs live in a deeply forested area. Recently, the animals have begun to wander into the city. Now, the city of Berlin is trying to kill them.

Tell Berlin that killing its wild pigs is not the answer! »

City Hall's Commissioner of Wildlife, Derk Ehlert, claims that at this point, hunting is the only way to control the population. However, a majority of Berliners are deeply against the hunting plan. Some of them even refer to those killing the pigs as "murderers."

Hunting is an inhumane and completely unnecessary means to an end. It is a shallow approach to a much larger problem and authorities should be dealing with the root cause rather than addressing the symptoms.
Tell Derek Ehlert to leave Berlin's wild pigs alone!»
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Save Berlin's Wild Pigs!
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Anne Brito
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