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quinta-feira, 8 de dezembro de 2011

Fwd: Disturbing Photos Leaked From Laboratory!

english mobile

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: PETA <>
Date: 2011/12/5
Subject: Disturbing Photos Leaked From Laboratory!

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Dear Anne,

At SNBL, 78 percent of the monkeys are locked alone inside cages. Injected with experimental chemicals and tormented by sadistic workers, they lead lives of fear, stress, pain, and misery.
Where do laboratory workers turn when their repeated pleas to supervisors to stop the abuse of animals in the company's laboratory are ignored? They turn to PETA.

A distraught whistleblower from Shin Nippon Biomedical Laboratories (SNBL), a notorious Everett, Washington-based animal testing conglomerate, recently contacted PETA to reveal shocking allegations of mistreatment of animals used in painful and lethal experiments.

The whistleblower shared photos and videos taken inside SNBL showing sick, traumatized monkeys suffering horribly from tests in which they were injected with experimental chemicals. Monkeys tethered to their cages shivered uncontrollably as an ice-cold solution was continuously dripped into their veins. Other monkeys endured the pain of severely bruised arms, swollen eyes, and broken fingers and tails, resulting from violent and sometimes sadistic handling by callous workers. PETA has filed a complaint with the U.S. Department of Agriculture urging it to investigate these disturbing allegations and issue fines for any violations that it uncovers.

In addition to conducting cruel tests on dogs, monkeys, mice, rabbits, and other animals, SNBL also imports thousands of monkeys each year into the U.S.—for its own use and to sell to other laboratories. These monkeys are transported to the U.S. in the dark and terrifying cargo holds of planes, often on passenger flights just below unsuspecting customers. While most major airlines refuse to take part in the violent primate trade, an increasingly small group of airlines continues to profit from animals' misery by transporting monkeys destined for U.S. laboratories.

Please take a few moments now to urge airlines that still transport monkeys to U.S. laboratories, including SNBL, to adopt a formal policy against the transportation of nonhuman primates for use in experiments.

Thank you for all that you do for animals.

Very truly yours,

Kathy Guillermo
Vice President
Laboratory Investigations Department
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

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This e-mail was sent by PETA, 501 Front St., Norfolk, VA 23510 USA.

Anne Brito
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