Dear Anne, Protect Hammerheads |  Our government needs to stand up and protect hammerheads. Be a shark savior and help us reach our goal of 20,000 signatures.
Take Action» | With their oddly shaped heads, hammerhead sharks are one of the most recognizable and alluring ocean predators. They fill children's books, TV shows, and our imaginations. But these majestic hunters are dying at the hands of the deadliest ocean predator: humans. Hammerhead sharks are in serious trouble. Each year, thousands of hammerhead sharks are caught in the US. We need to act fast if we want them to stick around.
There isn't a moment to lose – take action today to save hammerheads and other vulnerable sharks » The US government is doing little to stop the killing of hammerheads in the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean, even though they are recognized as a vulnerable species. Targeted for their fins and slow to reproduce, hammerheads are disappearing. Over the last few decades, some US hammerhead populations have dropped by 98%. And fewer sharks spell bad news for our oceans. Healthy ecosystems need predators and prey to stay in balance. But we are taking too many hunters from the ocean. The simple solution? Stop killing hammerheads. Speak up NOW to protect hammerheads. Our goal is to deliver 20,000 shark activist signatures to our government to show that we mean business when it comes to shark protections » If you are like me and over 30 million folks in America, your eyes are glued to the screen this week for one reason: Shark Week. But the sad truth is that unless we step up and protect these amazing ocean predators, TV may be the only place we'll see sharks. For the oceans, Tatiana Marshall Oceana   |
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