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Susan Murray, Oceana <wavemaker@oceana.org> Date: 2011/3/25
Subject: Save turtles and whales from offshore drilling
 | Dear Anne, Wherever offshore drilling happens, oil spills are inevitable. They put hundreds of thousands of innocent animals at risk – from walruses and whales in pristine Alaskan waters to sea turtles and dolphins in the warm Atlantic ocean. After the Gulf oil spill last summer, we know we aren't capable to quickly and efficiently respond to oil spills – and the next one could happen at any time. The only answer? Keep unsafe offshore drilling from ever happening in the first place. Right now we have a chance to prevent new offshore drilling in all US waters for the next five years – but we need to speak up to make it happen.
Speak up by March 30 to keep offshore drilling off American shores » We don't have to imagine what a tragic oil spill could be like – we only have to remember last summer, and the millions of gallons of oil ceaselessly gushing into the Gulf for months. That spill had immediate consequences for sea creatures like sea turtles and dolphins, and the full impact may not be known for years. And that spill was a "best case scenario" – Deepwater Horizon was only 50 miles offshore, hundreds of miles closer to response and clean up teams than would be the case in the remote Arctic Ocean where some oil companies are currently seeking permits to drill. But even being close to shore doesn't help when we don't have reliable methods for stopping and cleaning up oil spills. Attempt after failed attempt to stop the BP leak is a brutal example that we simply aren't prepared for oil spills, no matter where they happen. And spills will happen...unless we prevent them. From Arctic whales to Atlantic turtles, all sea creatures in US waters need you to speak up for them – take action by March 30 to prevent new offshore drilling for the next 5 years » On every coast, in every ocean, oil spills are a disaster. Marine animals need your voice to help keep their home clean and safe. For the oceans, Susan Murray Senior Director Oceana  | Oceana.org | Join | Contact Oceana | Privacy Policy
Oceana | 1350 Connecticut Ave. NW, 5th Floor, Washington, DC 20036 p: 877.7.OCEANA | |
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