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terça-feira, 8 de março de 2011

You can make all the difference for baby seals

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Seal pups are already dying. Join the 2011 boycott to save seals.
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Protect Seals
2011 boycott to save seals
March 8, 2011
Dear Anne,

It hurts to say these words: Hundreds of thousands of harp seal pups are in danger of slaughter here on the ice floes of Eastern Canada in just days.

It’s the largest slaughter of marine mammals on the planet, and the Canadian government -- undeterred by seal pups drowning in their melting habitat -- has sanctioned even more killing this year.

What can you do right now to help stop this madness? Join the 2011 boycott to save seals.

Why boycott Canadian seafood? Because it works. Canada’s commercial fishing industry hunts baby seals during the off-season, selling fur for a tiny fraction of the industry's overall profit. Seafood -- like snow crabs, cod, and cold water shrimp -- make up the lion’s share of their revenue, and in the past 6 years that we’ve refused to support their cruelty, the industry’s bottom line has taken a nose dive.

I’m determined to make the 2011 boycott bigger than ever before. Are you with me this year? Even if you’ve signed in the past, please renew your promise to boycott Canadian seafood.

It’s up to you, and me, and every conscientious, humane person out there to send the Canadian fishing industry a message they can’t ignore: stop killing defenseless seal pups, or we’ll put you out of business.

In 2009, the European Union banned its trade in products of commercial seal slaughters, closing a primary market for Canada’s sealing industry. As shrinking global demand for seal skins have left the fishing industry with fewer incentives to go out on the ice and make a government buyout of sealing licenses more attractive, we're truly on the verge of a breakthrough for seals.

The end is near -- I can feel it. Join the 2011 boycott to save seals and be part of our historic campaign to end this brutal hunt at last.

Thank you for making 2011 the year for seals -- it’s the year we’ve all been waiting for.

Rebecca AldworthSincerely,
Rebecca Aldworth
Rebecca Aldworth
Executive Director
Humane Society International/Canada

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