Thanks to Defenders of Wildlife for providing this information. Protect Polar Bears And Other Arctic Animals Send an e-mail today to stop expansion of Arctic drilling Less than one year after the Deepwater Horizon oil disaster and just weeks after a significant oil spill off the coast of Norway, Shell and other oil companies are pressuring the Obama administration to open up the fragile and remote waters of the Arctic to harmful new drilling. We only have until Wednesday to make our voices heard. Please click here to send an e-mail to President Obama right now! The Chukchi and Beaufort Seas – sometimes called the Polar Bear Seas – are vital to the survival of America’s threatened polar bears, walrus, bowhead whales and so many other Arctic species. Tell the Obama Administration that enough is enough: No more drilling in the Polar Bear Seas. Here are the facts: - Big Oil can’t clean up a spill in these remote waters. Last year’s BP Deepwater Horizon oil disaster and recent new spills off the coasts of Norway and in the Gulf of Mexico show how ill-prepared these companies are when disaster strikes.
- Arctic drilling won’t reduce American gas prices. It will take years – even decades – to get oil from the Arctic. Even then, there is no guarantee that oil won’t simply be shipped abroad to meet the rising demand in China, India and other countries.
- Drilling could devastate Arctic wildlife. Thousands of sea otters were killed when the Exxon Valdez ran aground. The BP disaster claimed the lives of hundreds of threatened and endangered sea turtles and other wildlife. Now imagine the damage that could be wrought on polar bears, walrus and other wildlife by a spill in an area that is more than 1,000 miles away from the nearest Coast Guard station.
 Click here to send President Obama an e-mail right now!
In Defense of Animals, located in San Rafael, Calif., is an international animal protection organization with more than 100,000 members and supporters dedicated to ending the abuse and exploitation of animals by protecting their rights and welfare. IDA's efforts include educational events, cruelty investigations, boycotts, grassroots activism, and hands-on rescue through our sanctuaries in Mississippi, Mumbai, India, and Cameroon, Africa. In Defense of Animals is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization. We welcome your feedback and appreciate your donations. Please join today! All donations to IDA are tax-deductible. In Defense of Animals 3010 Kerner, San Rafael, CA 94901 Tel. (415) 448-0048 Fax (415) 454-1031
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