Dear Anne,
It's now been two weeks since the catastrophic earthquake and tsunami destroyed so many lives, and PETA Asia-Pacific and local animal groups—supported in part by the generosity of PETA Animal Emergency Fund donors —continue the hard work of reuniting homeless animals with their guardians and ensuring that dogs, cats, and other animal survivors of the tragedy receive the food and veterinary attention that they desperately need.
PETA Asia-Pacific senior campaigner Ashley Fruno has just flown out of the devastated region but wanted me to share with you her account of her last few days in Sendai and the work still to be done for Japan's animals:
I have now left Japan, but my heart is still there. The smell of decaying flesh was strong and undeniable in the disaster areas. We have a wonderful group of helpers in Japan who care about the animals caught up in this horror. We are so happy to support Isabella Gallaon-Aoki from Animal Friends Niigata. She has nerves of steel, and while others were afraid of a second tsunami, radiation damage, and earthquakes, Isabella drove with me into the worst-hit areas and, despite constant aftershocks, stepped into the shaky ruins with me, searching for animals. We spent day after day searching for animal survivors in the hardest-hit areas, taking in animals who couldn't evacuate with their owners and delivering dog and cat food and medicines to the evacuation centers that were allowing animals.
We met up with a kind and wonderful veterinarian, Dr. Sasaki, who heard we were working nearby and who had been desperate to go out into the affected areas but couldn't as he didn't have any gas. He called us for help, and now he has visited several evacuation centers and is going to each of them one by one to provide treatment to injured animals and to deliver food. Isabella continues to supply Dr. Sasaki with fuel and veterinary supplies, and we are helping with that effort.
There is still an enormous amount of work to be done in Japan, and a PETA Asia-Pacific volunteer, Ulara Nakagawa, is helping in Tokyo. I am staying in touch with my new friends in Sendai, and PETA is helping them with additional food and supplies as needed.
Since the day after the disaster, PETA has been working with our Asia-Pacific affiliate and Japanese animal groups in the hardest-hit regions. While there have been some heartwarming rescue stories, the situation for animals in Sendai and other parts of the country will take months—or even years—to return to anywhere near what it was before that fateful day two weeks ago.
While international attention is focused on Japan, we must ask: What if there's a major earthquake closer to home? What if this year's hurricane season spawns another Katrina? What about floods and fires? Who will look out for animals in your own home if disaster strikes?
I urge you to be ready to help animals—both today and when the unforeseen happens tomorrow—by following these two simple steps.
- Prepare for emergencies in your own home or community with PETA's Animal Emergency Guide. A few minutes of planning right now could mean the difference between life and death for the companion animals you cherish.
- Support PETA's Animal Emergency Fund today. By making a generous gift right now, you'll be helping us respond to crises like the one in Japan and supporting our efforts to ensure that all animal guardians are prepared before the next catastrophe hits.
Thank you for helping animals everywhere.
Kind regards,

Ingrid E. Newkirk
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