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sábado, 19 de março de 2011

Fwd: We need to stop this abuse right now

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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ingrid Newkirk <>
Date: 2011/3/14
Subject: We need to stop this abuse right now

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PETA - Universities Should Educate, Not Abuse
Dear Anne,

PETA's campaign to save dogs, cats, and other animals from horrific abuse and gruesome deaths behind closed doors at university laboratories is making huge strides -- but we need the help of every PETA suporter if we are to reach those who are still at risk. Donate Now I wrote to you recently about the University of Utah — and how the school's laboratories purchased stray and homeless cats and dogs (including Rufus, pictured here) from animal shelters for use in deadly experiments. Because of the support of friends like you, the University of Utah has announced that it will no longer use shelter animals in its experiments, marking the end of pound seizure in the state of Utah!

This is a great victory, but our fight is far from over. We recently learned that the University of Michigan's (U-M) Survival Flight course for nurses still torments cats in cruel intubation training exercises and kills pigs. This abuse continues even though U-M already uses state-of-the-art human-patient simulators to teach the same skills in other courses for nurses and physicians. Like the University of Utah, U-M has obtained cats for this laboratory from animal shelters in the past.

Please help us save all animals (no matter the source) from the clutches of animal experimenters and all other animal abusers!

For animals trapped in university laboratories like those at U-M, there is no time to waste. As our investigation at the University of Utah revealed, animals relinquished to universities soon face scalpels, drills, chemicals, and worse:

Dogs sold to the university by the North Utah Valley Animal Shelter had holes cut into their chests and necks and pacemakers attached to their hearts in order to induce irregular heartbeats. The dogs were then killed and dissected.

Cats from animal shelters had holes drilled into their heads in one experiment. They also had hard plastic tubes forced down their delicate throats for archaic intubation training exercises even though the University of Utah — like U-M — has access to modern simulators.

We need to stop this abuse right now. Please make a generous gift today to help PETA expose and stop cruelty to animals wherever it occurs.

Campaigns like this one are urgent — and expensive — efforts. An undercover investigation such as the one that revealed the atrocities that were inflicted on animals at the University of Utah costs tens of thousands of dollars. Now we need urgent funding to help ensure that our campaign at the University of Michigan will result in real change and that PETA can continue all its lifesaving work for animals.

You can be proud of the victory that we just won for shelter animals in Utah. Our success will prevent many homeless dogs and cats from suffering and dying in laboratories — and it is all because of the support of caring individuals like you.

But for every animal we've saved, there are many more who are still suffering. These defenseless dogs, cats, and other animals deserve our full commitment.

Please speak out for them by making a lifesaving gift right now. If people like you and me don't raise our voices in behalf of animals, the cruelty will never end.

Kind regards,

Ingrid E. Newkirk

P.S. We need your help today to stop the University of Michigan from tormenting cats and mutilating pigs in its training courses. As we saw at the University of Utah, we can achieve success through the power supporters like you. Please make a special gift to support our work for all animals right now.

This e-mail was sent by PETA, 501 Front St., Norfolk, VA 23510 USA.

Anne Brito

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