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sábado, 5 de março de 2011

Fwd: A new Congress, a new attack on wolves

english mobile

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: NRDC - Peter Lehner <>
Date: 2011/2/10
Subject: A new Congress, a new attack on wolves

Natural Resources Defense Council

Dear Anne,

SPEAK OUT FOR WOLVES NOW! A new Congress, a new attack on wolves
Over the next critical weeks, Congress could strip wolves of federal protection, leaving them at the mercy of states that want to kill hundreds of them.

Send a message to your senators and representative right now -- for the sake of wolf survival!

Anti-wolf lawmakers are wasting no time in the new Congress.

They have introduced bills in both the House and the Senate that would strip wolves of their endangered species protection, leaving them at the mercy of states that plan to kill hundreds of them.

Tell your senators and representative to oppose this senseless assault on an endangered species.

These bills are a blatant attempt to bypass court orders and good science, which say that wolves should remain on the Endangered Species List, protected from mass killing, until they're fully recovered.

Any of these anti-wolf bills could be attached to a spending bill and passed within the next month -- with support from both sides of the aisle.

Do NOT assume that your representative and senators will defend wolves because they are pro-wildlife or pro-environment.

Many lawmakers will be under tremendous pressure to abandon wolves if it comes down to a vote on a spending bill.

Tell all three of your lawmakers not to sacrifice wolves to state control and widespread killing.

Congress has never before removed an animal from the Endangered Species List. Doing so now will not only lead to the slaughter of hundreds of wolves, it will set a terrible precedent by replacing scientific judgment with political calculation -- undermining the very basis of the Endangered Species Act.

The return of wolves to Yellowstone and the Northern Rockies is one of America's greatest conservation success stories. Don't let Congress turn that success into slaughter.

Please stand up for wolves by speaking out today!


Peter Lehner
Executive Director


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Anne Brito

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