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terça-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2010

Our top 3 animal survivor stories from 2010

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Watch three of our most inspiring animal survivor stories from 2010.
Then help other animals survive in 2011.

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Please donate to our 2010 Animal Survivors Fund.
Second Chance
December 28, 2010
Dear Anne,

Over the past few weeks, we’ve brought you three of our most inspiring animal survivor stories from 2010.

Maybe you have a survivor of your own in your family -- a cat or dog you rescued from a life of neglect or even cruelty. If you do, then you know firsthand what your kindness means to them.

Anne, so many animals deserve a chance for survival and a life free from suffering. They’re counting on you to rescue them from cruelty in 2011.

We are so close to our goal of $1.2 million for the 2011 Animal Survivors Fund. Can you help put us over the top? Make your tax-deductible year-end gift by midnight December 31.

We'll use your gift to save animals from dogfighting rings, factory farms, puppy mills, and other forms of cruelty.

These animals simply wouldn’t have made it without your compassion, your generosity, and your actions. Thank you for everything you do for animals.

wayne pacelle
Wayne Pacelle
President & CEO 
The Humane Society of the United States

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2100 L Street, NW | Washington, DC 20037 | 202-452-1100 |

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