November 17, 2010 Largest Egg Producer Exposed Dear Anne, For 28 days in Fall 2010 at Cal-Maine in Waelder, Texas, a brave HSUS investigator with a cast-iron stomach documented immense cruelty at the largest egg producer in the United States. Through video and photographs, our investigator documented the systematic abuse of animals at this facility. Eggs covered in feces and blood, and hens strangled by the thin corroded wires of their battery cages and starved to death — their decaying heads left lying on the conveyor belt as eggs passed by — present a grisly warning that eggs produced by caged hens may pose a particular threat to food safety. Please send Dr. Margaret Hamburg of the FDA a message that the cage confinement systems used by the majority of egg producers should be phased out. Thank you for all you do for animals. Wayne Pacelle, President & CEO      |
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