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quarta-feira, 11 de janeiro de 2012

News About Animals - January 5, 2012

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Click here to view this online. January 5, 2012
Dog Kapone and familyThank You For Helping Missing Dog Kapone Find His Way Home
We are thrilled to report a very happy ending to a tragic story. Do you remember Kapone, the missing Memphis, Tennessee dog we first told you about in our July 21, 2011 eNews? IDA had just added $3,000 to the reward fund for info about Kapone, a family's adored pit bull, who had been missing since he was picked up by a Memphis Animal Services (MAS) animal control officer.
Kapone disappeared on June 24, when he and the family's other dog, Jersey, got out of their fenced yard. Neighbors witnessed both dogs being loaded onto an MAS truck. Over 3,000 IDA members sent emails complaining about MAS to Memphis city officials and Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam.
Well, Kapone is now back home for the holidays! Click here to read more, and to post your own thoughts on our blog.
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elephant Ned performingHelp Pass The Traveling Exotic Animal Protection Act 
Please contact your member of Congress and ask her/him to support H.R. 3359, the Traveling Exotic Animal Protection Act, which would restrict the use of wild animals in traveling circuses.
Exotic animals used in circuses are separated from their families, brutally trained to perform unnatural tricks, chained, confined to small cages and pens, and shipped around the country by train or truck for months on end. U.S. residents only, please click here to send a fax to your representative.
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Ask Dr. WilsonDr. Wilson Answers Your Questions About Lysine In Vegan Diet 

Dr. Holly Wilson, a board-certified Emergency Medicine physician, answers your vegan health questions every month in IDA's eNews. This month, Dr. Wilson talks about vegan sources of lysine, an amino acid. Do we need lysine? What are good plant sources? Find out here.
Are you thinking about going vegan? Are you curious about a particular vitamin, nutrient, or food? Do you want to get the most nutrition from your plant-based diet? Submit your vegan health question and maybe you'll see it answered in an upcoming IDA eNews.
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Naomi Campbell, fur, Duran Duran videoMusic Legends Duran Duran Promote Cruelty Over Compassion

Caged and deprived of everything that comes naturally to them, kicked, stomped on, bludgeoned, thrown to the ground, gassed, electrocuted, SKINNED ALIVE! Does this sound like an entertaining music video to you? This is Duran Duran's latest video, "Girl Panic," featuring five supermodels clad in fur, snakeskin, goat hair, feathers and leather.
A person that worked on the video and helped source the clothing confirmed that all of the fur garments appearing in the video are made from actual animal fur. Information on the furs is also available in the printed UK version of Harper's BAZAAR, December 2011 issue. We have reached out to Duran Duran, politely asking the band to stop promoting the use of animal fur and inviting them to participate in an IDA anti-fur public service announcement. If they respond, we will post an update immediately.
Please contact Duran Duran to request that they promote compassion towards animals, rather than extreme cruelty in the name of vanity. We recommend you approach them in a respectful manner, so your message will be heard. Click here for links to their contact info on our blog.
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Chimp BabyHappy New Year, And Thank You For Your Support
We'd like to wish our supporters a Happy New Year, and thank you for your ongoing support, generosity,
compassion and caring. Together we have accomplished remarkable things on behalf of our animal friends.
Thank you for giving your time and energy to making the world a more just and compassionate place, and for being exceptional guardians of your animal friends. We wish you the best the new year has to offer, and we are deeply grateful for your generosity, compassion and caring.
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In Defense of Animals, located in San Rafael, Calif., is an international animal protection organization with more than 100,000 members and supporters dedicated to ending the abuse and exploitation of animals by protecting their rights and welfare. IDA's efforts include educational events, cruelty investigations, boycotts, grassroots activism, and hands-on rescue through our sanctuaries in Mississippi, Mumbai, India, and Cameroon, Africa.
In Defense of Animals is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization. We welcome your feedback and appreciate your donations. Please join today! All donations to IDA are tax-deductible.
In Defense of Animals
3010 Kerner, San Rafael, CA 94901
Tel. (415) 448-0048 Fax (415) 454-1031

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