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quarta-feira, 11 de janeiro de 2012

Are you a card-carrying member of PETA?

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Are you a card-carrying member of PETA?
Goal: 2,012 new members this month.
Dear Anne,

I hope to see your name on a PETA member card soon.

We're just starting our New-Member Drive for 2012, and it's a great chance for you to do wonderful things to protect animals this new year by joining PETA.

We've set an ambitious goal to recruit 2,012 new PETA members in the next 30 days. Will you be one of the first to join us?

We're setting our goal during this drive so high because right now, millions of animals are suffering from abuse, exploitation, and neglect and need our help. They are relying on us, and I hope we can rely on you to help strengthen our efforts on their behalf.

Anne, I'm also delighted to report that a generous donor will help make this important drive for 2,012 new members even more effective. For every new PETA member we bring in during January—up to our goal—a PETA supporter will donate $10!

That means your tax-deductible gift to PETA—whatever the size—will go $10 further in helping us end the abuse and neglect of countless individual animals. Whether we're saving pigs who are crammed into gestation crates on factory farms, dogs left to live outdoors in the frigid cold of winter, or monkeys facing the scalpel in cruel laboratory tests, your support today will do even more for all animals during this drive.

Your annual membership gift of just $16 or more also entitles you to many benefits, including a year's subscription to our lively magazine Animal Times. In addition, if you join today, we'll be pleased to send you a free copy of our 2012 "Rescued" calendar, highlighting just a few of the wonderful animals PETA has saved.

PETA membership is powerful. In 2011, thanks to the support of compassionate people like you, PETA and our affiliates accomplished the following:
  • We responded to help animals in need during disasters. PETA helped rescue animals when Hurricane Irene ravaged the Eastern Seaboard, and PETA Asia supported teams on the ground during the devastating March earthquake and tsunami in Japan.
  • We convinced the U.S. Army to stop poisoning monkeys in cruel exercises at Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland and to use more effective human-patient simulators instead.
  • We released groundbreaking undercover investigations, including of a facility—misnamed a "sanctuary"—in which hundreds of cats languished in filthy cages without medical attention. As a result, prosecutors filed charges of cruelty to animals against the owner and officials seized more than 230 cats.
Imagine all that we can do for animals in 2012 with the support of thousands of new members! Won't you join PETA today?

PETA is the most effective force for animals that the world has ever seen. Our campaigns are hard-hitting and empowering—and responsible for some of the largest victories for animal rights.

With your support, we can send more investigators undercover, convince more retailers to remove fur from their clothing lines, continue to fight against animal neglect and homelessness, respond to even more urgent calls about animals in need, and strengthen the impact of PETA's high-profile campaigns.

But we can't do it without you. Please help us meet our goal of 2,012 new members. Join today!

Kind regards,
Ingrid Newkirk
Ingrid E. Newkirk

P.S. Thank you for all that you do for animals. I hope you'll strengthen your commitment by joining with us in 2012. Please become a card-carrying PETA member today!

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photo credit: © Isselée
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This e-mail was sent by PETA, 501 Front St., Norfolk, VA 23510 USA.

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