| Fur Free Friday Is This Week! Participate In IDA's Virtual Demo
Fur Free Friday is the most widely-attended annual demonstration in the history of the animal protection movement. Always occurring the day after Thanksgiving, one of the busiest shopping days of the year, Fur Free Friday has become an institution for animal advocacy. Don't miss your opportunity to join thousands of activists worldwide for this international day of action. Together we'll raise our voices for the millions of animals suffering and dying for fur. Check here to find an event in your area. No event in your community? Take action for fur-bearing animals by participating in our Virtual Demo and make your voice heard in cyberspace. You don't have to leave your house (or even get out of your pajamas) to help animals! We'll blast the internet with a message of compassion. It's easy to do and a great way to spread the word that it's time to stop the slaughter of fur-bearing animals. |  | McClatchy Newspapers Publish IDA Commentary On Chimpanzee Experiments
McClatchy-Tribune newspapers nationwide published an op/ed this week by IDA's Eric Kleiman, arguing that we should stop wasting taxpayer dollars - more than $30 million annually - on chimpanzee abuse. If the column was in your community's newspaper, please post a comment at your newspaper's website. You can also read it and post a comment at the McClatchy Newspapers website, the Sacramento Bee, or The Bellingham Herald. Here's an excerpt: "The National Institutes of Health wants you to believe that chimpanzee experimentation is necessary. It so badly wants you to believe this that the agency just two months ago began to use your tax dollars to fund a propaganda campaign for "educating the public" regarding the "importance of chimpanzees in biomedical research." Read the rest here or at the website of your local newspaper, if it subscribes to McClatchy-Tribune News Service. |  | The Occupuppy Project Helping Animals At Los Angeles Protest Site
IDA salutes The Occupuppy Project, an independent coalition of caregivers helping companion animals at the Occupy Los Angeles protest site. There are many animals at Occupy demos around the country who need care and supplies. Donations have led to the provision of vital services in Los Angeles including spay/neuter surgeries, medical aid, food, leashes, vaccinations, deworming, and microchipping. "It's nice to know that there are people also watching out for the pets – of the 99% - who fall between the tents," wrote Carla Hall of the Los Angeles Times. One donor, Erika Brunson, offered to pay for all of the spay and neuter surgeries. "We are so very grateful to Erika for her generous gift. It is my hope that The Occupuppy Project spreads across the country. That it occupys people's hearts everywhere," said Bill Dyer, IDA's Southern California regional director. For more information call Bill at 310-301-7730. Finally, if we may recommend - if you are attending an overnight demo or any other event where companion animal care will be a challenge, please find a safer option for your animal friends - at home with family or friends if possible. |  | Have A Compassionate Thanksgiving
As Thanksgiving approaches, we give thanks for an amazing bird, the turkey. Forty-five million "Broad Breasted Whites" will be eaten in the U.S. this week, but few people will ever know the suffering these birds endured to reach their tables. These beautiful birds have been genetically manipulated to grow rapidly and have enlarged and unnaturally exaggerated breasts. The result is a multitude of health and mobility issues including inability to fly or breed naturally - they must be artificially inseminated, or the males would crush the females. In some cases, they can't even walk. Turkeys are raised in high-density, indoor confinement containing thousands of birds per building, and their toes are often cut off so they don't injure each other in the cramped conditions. These windowless warehouses have poor sanitation and can have an overwhelming stench of ammonia that the birds must live in all day, every day. Click here to read more at our blog, including ideas for a compassionate Thanksgiving. Feel free to post your own thoughts about the holiday (or the turkey). |  | Another Hope Animal Sanctuary Spay/Neuter Day
The Mississippi State University student surgery team again visited IDA's Hope Animal Sanctuary in Grenada, Mississippi on Novem ber 15, providing surgeries and shots for 7 female adult dogs, 9 male adult dogs, 3 female puppies, 2 male puppies, 1 female adult cat, 11 male adult cats, and 2 female kittens. Thank you, MSU! You're the best, and you're at the top of the list of "what we're thankful for" this year. Click to visit the Hope Animal Sanctuary blog. | |  | |  | This message was sent to sweetygirl2002@uol.com.br | | | In Defense of Animals, located in San Rafael, Calif., is an international animal protection organization with more than 100,000 members and supporters dedicated to ending the abuse and exploitation of animals by protecting their rights and welfare. IDA's efforts include educational events, cruelty investigations, boycotts, grassroots activism, and hands-on rescue through our sanctuaries in Mississippi, Mumbai, India, and Cameroon, Africa. In Defense of Animals is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization. We welcome your feedback and appreciate your donations. Please join today! All donations to IDA are tax-deductible. In Defense of Animals 3010 Kerner, San Rafael, CA 94901 Tel. (415) 448-0048 Fax (415) 454-1031 idainfo@idausa.org
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