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sexta-feira, 25 de novembro de 2011

Fwd: You Make All the Difference

english mobile

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Samer, Care2 Action Alerts <>
Date: 2011/11/12
Subject: You Make All the Difference

Care2 subscriber since May 29, 2009 Unsubscribe  |  Tell Your Friends  |  Take Action
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Hi Anne,

On Saturday, Oct. 22, three million volunteers joined together as part of Make A Difference Day, the largest day of community service. We want to celebrate and build on this incredible achievement.

Join in the movement and share with us your own story of making a difference »

Volunteers and others who use their time, talent and money to create positive change are integral to changing the world for the better. They see a problem in their community and take action to address it.

This service can be a means to strengthen communities, build bonds and connect to the power all of us have to create real change.

Together let's build a community of volunteers working to change the world. Take the pledge to make a difference in your community and share with us your stories of past volunteer experiences »

Thanks for taking action!


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