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quarta-feira, 30 de novembro de 2011

Fwd: Tell Chevron to Pay Up For The Damage It Caused in Brazil!

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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kathleen J., Care2 Action Alerts <>
Date: 2011/11/28
Subject: Tell Chevron to Pay Up For The Damage It Caused in Brazil!


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Hi Anne,

Brazil's beaches are some of the most famous of South America's vacation getaways. But recently, Chevron unleashed more than 110,000 gallons of oil near Brazilian beaches. 

Tell Chevron to pay for the damage it caused! »

Brazil's environmental secretary says the accident was completely avoidable. It seems Chevron "underestimated the pressure" of an underwater reservoir.

Brazilian State Environmental Secretary Carlos Minc says Chevron should pay $28 million in fines, according to a recent article in the Houston Chronicle. Minc charges Chevron with failing to take appropriate action for nearly ten days after the leak was spotted.

Tell Chevron to pay up and to stop irresponsible drilling everywhere. »

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Tell Chevron to Pay Up for the Damage to Brazil's Beaches!

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Anne Brito

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