----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, 25 October, 2011 9:31 AM
Subject: No more oily deaths
 | Dear Anne, Sea turtles coated in oil. Dolphins forced to inhale toxic fumes. Each year, oil spills threaten the lives of thousands of marine animals.
And instead of adequately punishing the companies responsible for playing fast and loose with our environment, we are giving them billions of our hard earned money each year.
Right now, we have a real chance to end oil and gas company tax breaks once and for all. Tax breaks that are going to companies who make billions in profits, profits made at the expense of our environment. Tell your Congressional representatives to protect turtles, dolphins, and our environment and pull the plug on obscene oil company tax breaks »
The Super Committee is a group of Senators and Congresspersons put in charge of making huge budget cuts for the American government. They are faced with many tough decisions about which programs to fund, but one choice is easy: no more money to oil companies.
Cutting out oil and gas company tax breaks would save us at least $43.6 billion in 10 years. And it isn't as if fossil fuel companies need these subsidies. Over the last decade, the top five oil and gas companies alone reported over $1 trillion in profits.
So why is our government supporting such a lucrative industry that endangers our oceans?
Our current governmental budget crisis gives us an opportunity to stop using American tax dollars to fund the destruction of our oceans at the hands of oil and gas companies. your Congressional representatives need to know where you stand a budget vote. Time is running out – take action to save turtles and dolphins from future disasters and speak up today » For the oceans, Tatiana Marshall Oceana  
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