| BCBG Violates Pledge To Not Sell Fur In 2008, high-end fashion brand BCBG signed a pledge to not sell fur, joining many in the fashion industry to go fur-free including Calvin Klein, Tommy Hilfiger, Ralph Lauren, Liz Claiborne, Stella McCartney, and Vivienne Westwood. Even First Lady Michelle Obama has sworn off fur.
But BCBG's 2011 holiday line has fur! We are disappointed that BCBG is moving in the wrong direction and has gone back on their word. Over 50 million animals a year suffer and die in the fur industry and BCBG is contributing to the misery. Please join IDA in asking BCBG to honor their original compassionate choice and go fur free
again! Click here now to send an e-mail to BCBG. For more info or to participate in Fur Free Friday on November 25, contact: hope@idausa.org, 707-540-1760. |  | Update - Greyhound Abuser To Serve Five Years In Jail
In late 2010 we told you about 37 greyhounds who had been starved to death, and five more who were in severe distress, at Ebro Greyhound Park in Florida. Trainer Ronald John Williams was charged with felony animal cruelty. We asked you to demand justice for these dogs by writing to the Washington County, Florida Prosecutor. We are pleased tell you that your efforts worked.
Last week, Williams was sentenced to five years in jail for felony cruelty to animals in addition to the year already served. His license to train dogs has also been revoked. Not too long ago, cruelty to greyhounds by those in the industry routinely went unpunished. Greyhounds spend the majority of their lives at the racetrack in intense confinement in cages barely large enough for them to turn around or stand up. They suffer serious injuries during races, and are sometimes killed when they are no longer profitable, as in this case where they were simply starved to death during the off-season. For more info, contact: Anita@idausa.org. |  | Victory - Toronto Zoo Elephants Headed For PAWS Sanctuary
In a great win for elephants, the Toronto City Council voted to send the Toronto Zoo's African elephants, Thika, Iringa and Toka, to the PAWS Sanctuary in California. The council had voted in May to close the zoo's elephant exhibit, but decided to send the elephants to another zoo, not a sanctuary. However, things turned around this week when Councillor Michelle Berardinetti presented an urgent motion to move the elephants to PAWS, to assure them a permanent home in a facility that offers far more space than any zoo, a climate suitable for elephants, and only positive reinforcement training.
IDA sparked the effort to save these elephants in 2009 when we called for closure of the Toronto Zoo's elephant exhibit following the unprecedented deaths of four elephants in less than four years, and urged the city council to send the elephants to a sanctuary. The zoo also became the first Canadian entry on IDA's annual Ten Worst Zoos for Elephants list. And it is thanks to the hard work and perseverance of ZooCheck Canada that this wonderful victory was finally achieved.
Now it's time to turn our attention to the solitary elephant Lucy in Edmonton and assure that she too can live out her life in a sanctuary in the company of other elephants. |  | Happy World Go Vegan Week And Happy Halloween It's World Go Vegan Week and we are celebrating a week of compassion and action for animals on farms. We encouraged volunteers to ask pizza restaurants to offer a vegan pizza featuring Daiya cheese for the week to help make eating vegan easy and accessible. Check out the participating restaurants and see if there is one in your area. If so, gather your friends and be sure to grab a delicious vegan pizza and encourage the restaurants to keep the vegan option on the menu beyond World Go Vegan Week.
At the end of World Go Vegan Week is Halloween! Check out our Vegan Halloween blog for ideas on cruelty-free treats to give the little monsters when they come knocking. And don't forget to keep your companion animals safe from Halloween misadventure - keep them inside, and away from the door that you'll be opening for the trick-or-treaters. And of course don't let them near chocolate or other candy - the best bet for this and every other holiday is to keep your companion animals on their regular diet. |  | Get Ready For Fur Free Friday Mark November 25 on your calendars! Fur Free Friday is the most widely-attended annual demonstration in the history of the animal protection movement, always occurring simultaneously outside fur-selling retailers on the day after Thanksgiving. Raise your voices in unison with thousands of other activists worldwide, to educate shoppers and the media about the real cost of fur. Whether on fur farms, where helpless animals go insane from the cramped, filthy conditions, or in the wild where they are trapped and left to suffer, these animals need your help now. We have Nordstrom-specific literature you can distribute - we are asking them to be the first department store to go fur-free. Click here to see a list of Nordstrom stores in the U.S. Organize and register your own event here. IDA's cut off date for international shipping is November 1, so order your materials now. Contact: Hope@idausa.org, 707-540-1760 to get signs, literature and ideas for outreach in your community. Click here to learn more. | |  | | | | | In Defense of Animals, located in San Rafael, Calif., is an international animal protection organization with more than 100,000 members and supporters dedicated to ending the abuse and exploitation of animals by protecting their rights and welfare. IDA's efforts include educational events, cruelty investigations, boycotts, grassroots activism, and hands-on rescue through our sanctuaries in Mississippi, Mumbai, India, and Cameroon, Africa. In Defense of Animals is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization. We welcome your feedback and appreciate your donations. Please join today! All donations to IDA are tax-deductible. In Defense of Animals 3010 Kerner, San Rafael, CA 94901 Tel. (415) 448-0048 Fax (415) 454-1031 idainfo@idausa.org
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