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terça-feira, 4 de outubro de 2011

Fwd: DEADLINE: 48 hours to stop an oily Arctic

english mobile

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Tatiana Marshall, Oceana <>
Date: 2011/10/4
Subject: DEADLINE: 48 hours to stop an oily Arctic

Take Action to Protect the World's Oceans

Dear Anne,

48 Hours to Go – Save Seals Today

Seals could freeze to death if oil gets on their fur.

Keep oil out of seals' homes. Donate $30 today»

Click to donate

Seal pups rely on their warm insulating fur to keep them warm in Arctic waters.
But when that fur is covered in oil, it loses its ability to insulate – and even seals can freeze to death.

Right now our government is opening up the Arctic to oil companies – even though there is no proven way to clean up an oil spill in icy conditions. That's why we have to stop this drilling before it starts, but we don't have much time left.

We only have 48 hours to go. Don't let seals freeze to death – help keep oil off seals and out of Arctic waters »

Drilling in the Arctic Ocean is a huge gamble, with thousands of seals, other marine animals, and vibrant coastal communities on the line. Even in the best conditions, like those in the Gulf of Mexico – calm weather, warm water, and nearby response teams – cleaning up spilled oil is risky, dangerous, and imprecise. Only about 10% of the oil was recovered in the Deepwater Horizon disaster last year, and Arctic conditions are, to put it mildly, less than ideal.

Oil booms don't work in ice. Once oil is spilled, it will spread and stay – in the middle of the homes of seals and other Arctic animals  for a very long time.

That's why we are fighting to keep oil from being spilled in the first place. Anne, we have just 48 hours left to raise the money we need to keep up this critical fight and work to protect our oceans by:

  • Fighting the expansion of offshore drilling into the fragile Arctic Ocean in court.
  • Reaching thousands more activists to put pressure on government regulators to make the right decisions.
  • Demanding that our government require tested and proven oil spill response plans and not just take the word of oil companies that they can clean up an Arctic spill.
  • Working with local native communities to document traditional knowledge and combine it with scientific information to map special areas at risk

Seal pups are relying on us to keep oil out of their homes. You could make a huge difference in the future of our oceans. Please, donate today »

Tatiana Marshall For the oceans,
Tatiana Marshall


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