|  |  | Dear Anne, A delicate vervet monkey—one of dozens imprisoned in a military-run laboratory—is repeatedly snatched from a cramped cage and injected with a drug overdose that causes him to suffer from violent seizures and vomiting for a crude nerve-agent training exercise for Army personnel. This torment is funded by U.S. taxpayers. PETA's Global "Stop Animal Tests" Challenge ends on November 1, which leaves us only a few days to reach our $250,000 goal. Please help us by making as generous a gift as you can online right now to have it doubled—dollar for dollar—and do twice as much to stop animals from suffering and dying in experiments. Thanks to the efforts of PETA and our supporters, this month we were able to convince the U.S. Army to put a permanent end to the training lab that I described above and replace the monkeys with modern human simulators, but there are millions of other animals in laboratories across the United States who are suffering and dying in cruel experiments supported by your U.S. tax dollars. Consider the following:
- The Environmental Protection Agency is requiring animal testing of well-known chemicals in a massive testing program on endocrine disruptors. Approximately 40,000 animals have already died in this program, with hundreds of thousands more lives at stake unless the program is significantly redesigned as PETA is demanding.
- The Department of Defense still torments, shoots, cuts up, and kills roughly 8,000 animals—including goats, pigs, and ferrets—each year in cruel and archaic training laboratories that have been ended elsewhere across the country and abroad.
- The National Toxicology Program (NTP) has poisoned animals for more than 30 years with pesticides, drugs, and other chemicals to see if they develop cancer in tests that even a former NTP head admits don't ensure a chemical's safety.
You can help us fight massive animal testing programs like these by making a gift to the Global "Stop Animal Tests" Challenge today. Your donation will be doubled—giving us twice the resources that we need to stop more tests and save more animals. But we're running out of time, and we need your support today! PETA is the leader in the fight to stop tests on animals. We've recently highlighted how more than $16 billion in taxpayer money is being wasted each year by the government on animal tests—money that is all the more vital in light of recent government budget concerns. We are pushing government agencies to use available non-animal testing methods and have provided funds to develop new methods. We're highlighting what they should already know: that there are non-animal testing methods that are more accurate, often cheaper, and more humane. It will take a long and sustained effort to put an end to government tests on animals. But with every victory like our most recent one with the U.S. Army's tests, we're inching closer—all we need is your support. Please take advantage of this special opportunity to have your gift's value—and impact on animals' lives—doubled by answering the Global "Stop Animal Tests" Challenge right now. Thank you for all that you do. With kind regards, Ingrid E. Newkirk President P.S. There are just a few days left in PETA's Global "Stop Animal Tests" Challenge, and we're still $120,000 short of our $250,000 goal. Please give right now to have your gift doubled to help animals who are suffering in laboratories. |  |  |  |
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