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quinta-feira, 15 de setembro de 2011

Fwd: Take a Stand Against Nestea's CruelTEA to Animals

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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: PETA <>
Date: 2011/9/12
Subject: Take a Stand Against Nestea's CruelTEA to Animals

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Dear Anne,

We need your help! The company that makes Nestea conducts deadly tea experiments that involve poisoning, electrically shocking, surgically mutilating, and decapitating animals. The company has caused animals to suffer simply to investigate the possible health benefits linked to tea products and ingredients, even though the Food and Drug Administration does not require any of these experiments and, in fact, U.S. and European regulators have stated that animal tests are not sufficient to prove health claims about food and beverage products.

Experimenters injected mice with toxic chemicals to destroy insulin-producing cells, causing the animals to develop diabetes, and then force-fed them tea ingredients before killing them. In another experiment, mice were force-fed tea extracts and then had their leg muscles cut open before being decapitated. That's not all—mice bred to suffer from brain damage and rapid aging were locked in dark chambers and given painful shocks to their extraordinarily sensitive feet before being killed. The list goes on—and the abuse will likely continue without your help.

Take a stand against Nestea's CruelTEA by refusing to buy Nestea until its maker ends its deadly tea tests and pledge to drink only cruelty-free tea such as Arizona, Celestial Seasonings, Honest Tea, Lipton, Luzianne Tea, Snapple, Stash Tea, Tazo, Twinings, and many more. You can take a vital step for animals by taking action and telling Nestea to ditch the CruelTEA and to use modern, cruelty-free research methods instead, like those employed by other major tea companies around the world.


You can do even more by sharing this shocking information on Facebook. The more people you spread the word to, the more people will be inspired to speak out against this atrocity. Be sure to browse through our brand-new website,, to learn about more ways that you can get involved.

Thank you for your compassion for mice, rats, and all animals.


Tracy Reiman
Executive Vice President
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

Please do not respond to this e-mail. Instead, click here to contact PETA.
This e-mail was sent by PETA, 501 Front St., Norfolk, VA 23510 USA.

Anne Brito

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