|  |  | Dear Anne, "She was still afraid to walk on the floor. … We can only imagine what she went through at the laboratory."
That's what the guardians of Ruby—one of nearly 250 animals rescued following a PETA undercover investigation—said soon after adopting her. Ruby was among those who were freed from Professional Laboratory and Research Services, Inc. (PLRS)—a contract facility hired to test veterinary pharmaceuticals, insecticides, and other chemical products. PLRS closed its doors forever less than a week after a PETA undercover investigation exposed laboratory workers' horrifying mistreatment of dogs, cats, rabbits, and other animals at the facility.
Ruby is one of the lucky ones. Every year, tens of millions of cats, dogs, monkeys, and other animals are subjected to painful experiments. Many of these animals will spend their entire lives—from birth to death at the hands of experimenters—behind the doors of laboratories like PLRS.
Anne, won't you help us save more animals like Ruby and work to put an end to experiments on animals by supporting PETA's Global "Stop Animal Tests" Challenge right now? Your gift today will be matched dollar for dollar.
Our Global "Stop Animal Tests" Challenge is seeking to raise $250,000 to make sure no animal faces the treatment that Ruby did. A group of special PETA donors will match all contributions to this special campaign until November 1. If we can meet the goal, it will mean an additional half-million dollars to fund PETA's lifesaving work to close down laboratories for good.
As you can see from her picture, Ruby is a beautiful, sweet cat. The guardians who adopted her found that she was suffering from ear, eye, and respiratory infections and a profound fear of noises and sudden movements. Her ears were tattooed—one with her number, C081, and the other with a few dots. While we may never know exactly what Ruby endured during her time in the laboratory, what happens to animals just like her every single day is heartbreaking.
Animals in laboratories are shocked; starved; cut open; crushed; infected with diseases; force-fed pesticides, poisons, and drugs; and even burned with fire and corrosive chemicals. They are often denied painkillers and left to suffer in terror and loneliness as they wait to die.
Non-animal testing methods are often less expensive and more accurate at predicting effects on the human body, yet many corporations, universities, health charities, and government agencies continue to conduct these same types of painful animal experiments.
Your gift today—up to our $250,000 goal—will be doubled through this unique challenge and allow us to do twice as much in our vital campaign against vivisection.
Since our very first case more than three decades ago, PETA has led the global fight to stop animal experimentation. We have waged high-profile campaigns to end the abuse in laboratories and are winning critical victories—like the closure of PLRS—that have saved the lives of animals like Ruby. But with millions of individual dogs, mice, cats, monkeys, and other animals confined to laboratory cages at this very moment, it's clear that there is still much for us to do. Please support our work for these animals by giving today while your gift will be doubled through this special challenge.
Kind regards, Ingrid E. Newkirk President P.S. Your generous gift today will help PETA save more animals like Ruby from gruesome and deadly tests and suffering in laboratories. And I hope that you'll forward this message along to others. We need to get the word out about the reality of animal tests! Thank you.
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