---------- Forwarded message ----------
NRDC - Frances Beinecke <biogemsdefenders@savebiogems.org> Date: 2011/7/18
Subject: Must-see video of songbird sanctuary. Please help save them.
Dear Anne,
Millions of songbirds could perish at the hands of Big Oil unless we act swiftly. We need your immediate support to wage and win this fight against the oil giants. Please take a few seconds to watch this new video and then help NRDC come to the rescue of America's backyard songbirds. Thank you. |  |  |  |  |  |  | Dear Anne, What's it worth to hear songbirds outside your window next summer? I hope you'll take that question to heart as you watch this powerful new video about tar sands mining in Canada's Boreal forest. Because once you actually see what the oil industry is doing to our continent's greatest songbird nursery, I think you'll want to help NRDC rush to its defense. View the one-minute video and lend your financial support. We urgently need your gift to stop the proposed Keystone XL pipeline before it begins transporting a river of the world's dirtiest oil from the tar sands pits of Alberta, Canada to heavily polluting refineries in Texas. This terrifying scheme will double the destruction of songbird habitat from America's tar sands consumption. It will turbo-charge global warming. It will threaten our drinking water with toxic spills. And, adding insult to injury, it will even raise gas prices in the Midwest. Simply put, the Keystone XL is a fossil fuel nightmare -- NOT the clean energy future that President Obama promised America. Yet his State Department is now rushing headlong toward approving it! I'm sure you share my outrage that this Administration would do the bidding of the oil giants when so much is at stake. But outrage won't stop the tar sands pipeline. Only action will. Please make a tax-deductible, online donation so that NRDC can move swiftly to generate overwhelming grassroots pressure on Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the White House ... mobilize powerful opposition in Congress ... arm the media with the damning facts ... and, as always, defend our environment in the most effective way possible. Our campaign is gaining momentum with every passing day. But we need your immediate help if we are to alert millions more people that the tar sands pipeline will enrich the oil giants while we pay with our environment, our climate and even our lives. Please view our new video and donate now. You may be giving the gift of life to the very songbirds you are seeing and hearing in your backyard this summer. Sincerely,  Frances Beinecke President Natural Resources Defense Council |  |  |  |  | |  |  |  | |  NRDC takes pride in our careful stewardship of your contributions; donations to this campaign will be used to help NRDC stop the tar sands pipeline, protect the Boreal Forest, and defend the environment in the most effective way possible. | |
We appreciate the opportunity to communicate with you and other NRDC BioGems Defenders. We are committed to protecting your privacy and will never sell, exchange or rent your email address. |
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