Save The Lovelace Respiratory Research Institute Monkeys And Beagles Please send an e-mail and make a phone call today! Lovelace Respiratory Research Institute (LRRI) is a laboratory in Albuquerque, New Mexico that uses monkeys and beagles in experiments. Because of financial issues, they have announced plans to kill up to 300 monkeys and an unknown number of beagles. It is sad that LRRI is killing these "unwanted" dogs and monkeys without trying to save their lives by transferring them to loving homes and primate sanctuaries. IDA and other animal protection organizations have been asking that we be allowed to coordinate the move of these animals to primate sanctuaries and loving homes, as we have successfully done in the past for other laboratories' "unwanted" animals. To date LRRI has refused to do so. The animals deserve that we not give up and that we do all in our power to protect them - to save their lives. Thank you once again for your determination to be a powerful voice and force for our animal friends. With the deepest respect and appreciation, Elliot M. Katz, DVM Founder and President Emeritus In Defense of Animals
Please send an e-mail and make a phone call to Robert W. Rubin, the President of LRRI, and the other LRRI officials mentioned below. Ask that they work with In Defense of Animals towards a life-saving solution. Just last year, with your support, we rescued monkeys and dogs from a defunct laboratory in New Jersey. If given the chance, I know we can do it again. For further information, e-mail: Send your e-mails to: Robert W. Rubin, PhD President and CEO (505) 348-9365 Richard C. McGivney, MS, CPA Chief Financial Officer (505) 348-9430 Cheryl D. DiCarlo, DVM, PhD, DACLAM Director Comparative Medicine/Attending Vet (505) 348-1935 Here's an e-mail string for all three:;; Thank you! |
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