|  |  | Dear Anne,
Skinned alive. That's the horrific fate of many of the millions of individual animals slaughtered for the Chinese fur trade.
I'm not trying to shock you, but rabbits, chinchillas, foxes—even dogs and cats just like those we share our homes with—are condemned to a miserable life and a violent death in China, which supplies about half of all the fur sold in the U.S.
PETA is leading the fight to save these and other animals who will be slaughtered for nothing more than vanity and greed. Please help us put a stop to this horror by sending a special gift today.
As you read this, hundreds of thousands of individual rabbits, dogs, cats, and other animals are confined to cramped, filthy cages in China awaiting a violent death. Workers have been documented hanging terrified animals by one leg and repeatedly hitting them with a metal pipe. Other animals were killed by neck-breaking, suffocation, poisoning, and electrocution—whatever method is cheapest and will leave an animal's skin intact. Those who do not die immediately often have the skin ripped from their abused bodies while still conscious.
All these animals suffer so that someone can have fur-lined gloves, a leather belt, or other cruel fashion. By supporting PETA today, you'll be standing up to a bloody industry and helping PETA's vital efforts to stop animal suffering and abuse.
There are no penalties for abusing animals on fur farms in China. But that may change, thanks in part to our work and that of PETA Asia. Every day, more and more Chinese citizens are taking up the cause of animal rights, and China is considering its first comprehensive animal protection law.
It will take a monumental effort to continue educating consumers, designers, and retailers about the skin trade and to end the abuse of animals who are killed for their skins. That's why we need your help.
Please stand up to the fur trade. Help us tell the world: Animal skins are not fashion!
Thank you for supporting this vital campaign and for everything that you do to make the world a more compassionate place for all animals.
Kind regards, Ingrid E. Newkirk President
P.S. PETA donors make it possible for us to conduct undercover investigations, convince retailers and designers to adopt permanent fur-free policies, and let people know that an animal is worth more than the value of his or her fur. Please donate online now.
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