| Maximize Your Support For Animals! Become An Animal Advocate
IDA's Animal Advocates provide the predictable, reliable stream of funds that is so vital to ensuring we can respond to emergencies and come to the immediate assistance of animals in need. Not only will you be saving trees and postage, but IDA will save check processing costs and be free to devote even more time and precious resources to protecting animals from exploitation, cruelty, and abuse. Click here to learn more. |  | August 16 - Day Of Action For South Korean Dogs And Cats
IDA invites you to take action for the two million dogs and cats mercilessly killed for human consumption every year in South Korea. Kept in tiny, filthy cages, the dogs are killed in unimaginable ways. Eyewitnesses report dogs being torn apart while still alive. Click here to learn more. We are looking for coordinators to organize outreach events to educate your community about this needless suffering. You can hold a protest or leaflet in a public place to raise awareness, or have a table at a local venue or event. IDA will provide you with the materials necessary to make your event a success. Help IDA expose the shadowy and illicit world of the cat "elixir" and dog meat industry, and put pressure on the South Korean government to strengthen the current animal protection law, which is scandalously weak. We need a presence at all South Korean Embassies and Consulates, so please let us know if you can help in any of the following cities: Washington DC; Chicago, Ill.; Atlanta, Ga.; Boston, Mass.; Houston, Texas; Honolulu, Hawaii; Seattle, Wash.; and in Canada: Toronto; Montreal; Ottawa; Vancouver. To help spread the word about South Korean dogs and cats wherever you live, please contact Hope: hope@idausa.org, 415-448-0058. Your day of action could be any day around August 16th. The dogs and cats of South Korea are counting on you! |  | Do It Yourself Slaughter - A New Concern For Animals
IDA is concerned with a new fad, fueled by the local and sustainable food movement, of "killing what you eat" - the hobby of raising and slaughtering animals in urban backyards. With the recent news of Facebook tycoon Mark Zuckerburg challenging himself to eat for a year only the meat of animals he kills himself, this new trend is unsettling but, in some ways, encouraging. Zuckerburg is thinking about where his food comes from. This is a fabulous first step on the road to compassionate eating. However, if you are concerned for the animal, why not take it to the healthy and logical conclusion and not eat animals altogether? Zuckerburg admitted that it was troubling to kill a lobster - then why do it at all? Backyard slaughter ordinances are being introduced across the country. Click here to read more about this controversial trend and see what you can do. |  | Would You Like To Go To Hawaii? Tell Us By Friday! Aloha! Experience paradise on the Island of Kauai at the Alii Kai Resort. 7 Glorious Days and 6 Romantic Nights, Saturday, July 9 - Friday, July 15, 2011. $350 or best offer by 6/24/11! Value: $903.00. Located in Kauai, the Alii Kai resort is situated on a bluff overlooking the tropical splendor of the Pacific and surrounding Kauai landscape. This gorgeous Hawaiian condo in Kauai, Princeville, offers charming and spacious two-bedroom accommodations (sleeps 6). You'll experience the spirit of this beautiful island - whether enjoying a romantic sunset on the balcony, relaxing at the pool or joining any of the fantastic activities the island has to offer. This beautiful condo experience was provided by a major donor to In Defense of Animals. IDA is offering the one-week stay as a fundraising event. The dates are set in stone, so please feel free to make an offer. Click here to read more or to grab this great deal! |  | 
| | |  | |  | This message was sent to sweetygirl2002@uol.com.br | | | | In Defense of Animals, located in San Rafael, Calif., is an international animal protection organization with more than 100,000 members and supporters dedicated to ending the abuse and exploitation of animals by protecting their rights and welfare. IDA's efforts include educational events, cruelty investigations, boycotts, grassroots activism, and hands-on rescue through our sanctuaries in Mississippi, Mumbai, India, and Cameroon, Africa. In Defense of Animals is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization. We welcome your feedback and appreciate your donations. Please join today! All donations to IDA are tax-deductible. In Defense of Animals 3010 Kerner, San Rafael, CA 94901 Tel. (415) 448-0048 Fax (415) 454-1031 idainfo@idausa.org
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