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terça-feira, 10 de maio de 2011

Fwd: Stephen Colbert: America's #1 Threat to Bears?

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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rodger Schlickeisen, Defenders of Wildlife <>
Date: 2011/5/10
Subject: Stephen Colbert: America's #1 Threat to Bears?

It's sad, but true -- TV comedian Stephen Colbert has become a bear bully!  And bears are reeling from his onslaught.  But now Ed Asner and Defenders of Wildlife are calling him out and fighting back. You can too.  Send Stephen a message: There'd be no Col-BEAR without the bear.

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Wildlife Supporter,

Polar Bear and Cub, cut-out (Photo: FWS)As if habitat loss and poaching weren't bad enough, America's imperiled bears are being viciously and repeatedly attacked by Stephen Colbert.

For years, the late night TV comedian has launched attack after unBEARable attack on these magnificent animals. But now, as part of next week's national Bear Awareness Week, we're taking the gloves off.

And we're not alone. Entertainment legend Ed Asner is also taking action for bears, and he wants YOU to join him.

Watch Ed Asner's Video and Sign the Petition

Check out Ed Asner's special message to Stephen Colbert – delivered as only Ed can    and then take action to join our new ColBEAR Campaign!

(Warning: Ed's language is a little rough, so this video may be inappropriate for younger wildlife supporters.)

You might not know it, but Ed Asner isn't exactly a teddy bear himself.

He's starred in Up, Lou Grant, the Mary Tyler Moore show, Roots and countless other entertainment features over the years. And he's also a great friend to wildlife, serving on the board of Defenders of Wildlife.

And, fortunately for bears, Ed's never been one to hold his tongue.

Year after year, Stephen Colbert has spread irrational misinformation and fears about black bears, grizzly bears and polar bears – some of nature's most important and magnificent creatures.

Well, Ed says he's had enough, and so have we.

Join the ColBEAR Campaign and tell Stephen Colbert to get over his ridiculous fears and stop bullying bears!

For the Bears,

Rodger Schlickeisen Rodger Schlickeisen, President Signature
Rodger Schlickeisen

Defenders of Wildlife


P.S. The ColBEAR Campaign is a fun way to educate America about our imperiled bears, but saving bears is serious business. Please check out for fascinating bear facts and more ways to help.

 © Copyright 2011, Defenders of Wildlife

Defenders of Wildlife is a national, nonprofit membership organization dedicated to the protection of all native wild animals and plants in their natural communities.

Defenders of Wildlife can be contacted at:
1130 17th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036

Anne Brito

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