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quinta-feira, 26 de maio de 2011

Fwd: Remembering those we've lost

english mobile

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ingrid Newkirk <>
Date: 2011/5/26
Subject: Remembering those we've lost

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This Memorial Day remember those lost in the past year
Dear Anne,

For almost 150 years, Memorial Day has served as a national day of remembrance—a day to reflect on the lives of those lost. For the last 30 of those years, PETA has led the fight to stop animal abuse and save animals' lives.

As you pause this Memorial Day to remember those who have passed away, we'd like to ask you to think also of the animals who were not able to be saved—particularly those who have perished over this past year.

Please consider making a donation in memory of these animals—whether you're thinking of the young seal pups clubbed for their fur, the beagles killed after months of painful experiments, the calves who were taken away from their mothers and slaughtered before their first birthday, or the countless other animals who perished because of abuse, neglect, or human greed. Here are a just few of the others whom we've lost:
Knut Kalina Daisy
Knut, the polar bear cub who was the toast of the Berlin Zoo four short years ago, died this year at the young age of 4 after living in constant stress in an enclosure a fraction of the size of his natural home range. Kalina, the first orca to be born and raised in captivity at SeaWorld, died after spending all 25 years of her life in a barren concrete pool rather than the freedom of the sea. Daisy was a sweet pit bull who froze to death in the frigid January temperatures when the chain she was attached to prevented her from reaching any shelter.
Animal #28765 Rue McClanahan Create Your Own
Each year, millions of cats, dogs, primates, mice, rats, rabbits, and other animals suffer and die in painful animal tests. Rue was one of PETA's first champions for animals in Hollywood, joining PETA only a few short years after our founding and helping to establish us as a leader in the fight for animal rights. Create your own True Friends Memorial page to share the memory of your loved one.

Thank you for your remembrance of all animals this Memorial Day.


Your Friends at PETA
True Friends Memorial
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photo credits - background: © istockphoto - Nic Taylor
whale: © istockphoto - Christopher Meder
bear: © istockphoto - wrangel

This e-mail was sent by PETA, 501 Front St., Norfolk, VA 23510 USA.

Anne Brito

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