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quinta-feira, 19 de maio de 2011

Fwd: PETA E-News: Animals Intentionally Infected With HIV?!

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From: PETA <>
Date: 2011/5/19
Subject: PETA E-News: Animals Intentionally Infected With HIV?!

PETA Weekly E-NewsJoin PETA's Action TeamSend to a FriendDonate

Ad Agency's Innovative Move for Apes

Popular ad agency BBDO recently took a stand against using great apes in ads in a truly unique and creative way that'll ensure no one at the agency ever uses great apes again. Check it out!

George Clooney's Leading Lady Strips

Italian actor Elisabetta Canalis gives you a sneak peek into the photo shoot for her upcoming "rather go naked than wear fur" ad. Find out what she calls the "best reason" she's ever gotten naked. Bellissimo!

Five Ways to Help Animals on Twitter

Check out these five simple ways that you can take action for animals through Twitter! Every tweet makes a difference! Be a tweetheart.

Intentionally Infected With HIV?!

Urge Congress to end invasive experiments on the more than 1,000 chimpanzees who are imprisoned in U.S. labs. Take action!

Sexiest Vegetarians: Still Time to Vote

Last call: Submit your vote now via text or online and help PETA select the 2011 Sexiest Vegetarians Next Door! Who's hot and who's not?

Be a Hero!

Hundreds of cats like Nudge, pictured here, were saved from abuse when a PETA undercover investigation exposed a hoarder. Join the Investigations & Rescue Fund. Expose abuse.

Want Free Stickers?!

peta2 is giving away a million free stickers! Tell all the tweens and teens in your life to order stickers now in order to stick up for animals before we run out. Get your sticker on.

15 Reasons Not to Eat Bacon

Have you seen the face of a cute pig? Check out the top 15 reasons that will help you reconsider the bacon on your plate. Love me—don't eat me!

Want a Slice?

Take a look at PETA's list of the top five vegan pies and you'll find that filling your belly with delicious vegan sweets is, well, as easy as pie! Yum!

Free This Fox!

The animals at Jambbas Ranch Tours in Fayetteville, North Carolina, have been sentenced to life in prison, but you can help be their voice. Take action.

Shop PETA Catalog

PETA Logo Stainless Steel Water Bottle Exclusive Bunny Heart Necklace

PETA Affiliates

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We're Hiring

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PETA Business Friends

Calico Dragon

Welcome to the colorful and controversial world of Calico Dragon! The company's goal is to make the world a better place by speaking up for animals and their right to live in peace on this planet. Calico Dragon spreads its message through fashion in order to bring awareness to animal welfare issues such as the barbaric practices that animals used in the circus must endure daily and the constant threat that Africa's Congo gorillas face. Calico Dragon donates a portion of its proceeds to animal charities around the world.

Alternative Outfitters

Alternative Outfitters is your online resource for fashionable leather alternatives and cruelty-free products for the compassionate, fashion-forward girl or guy.

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Urgent Alerts

End Sales of Deadly Frog Prisons
Ask PETCO to Ditch Rabbit Fur Toys
End Elephant Rides in Santa Ana
See All Urgent Alerts »


The PETA Files
bullet Top Five Reasons to Stop Animal Testing
bullet Bob Barker Joins Bear Battle
bullet Caught on Tape: Elephants Shocked and Beaten
See All Entries »
PETA Living
bullet Cruelty-Free Surface Cleaners to the Rescue
bullet Matchup of the Week: Frozen Pizza
See All Entries »
PETA Prime
bullet Eating Healthy With a Sexiest Vegetarian Over 50
bullet Shareholders: Achieving Victories for Animals
See All Entries »

Watch It

Horse Racing's Lethal Cycle

10% Wool

10% Wool

Click here to see the latest "10% Wool" comic by Jeff Corriveau, the creator of "DeFlocked."

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This e-mail was sent by PETA, 501 Front St., Norfolk, VA 23510 USA.
Photo of pig: ©

Anne Brito

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