April 11, 2011 First Baby Seals Killed This Morning Off Newfoundland Dear Anne, I saw it this morning. Sealers ambushed the pristine nursery with their hakapiks and guns, spilling the blood of pups who miraculously survived the first few weeks of their short lives as climate change melts the ice around them. Please shine a spotlight on this horror with a donation of whatever you can afford to help end the slaughter» As painful as it is to bear witness, I have proof that we’re making a difference. Three years ago, 217,000 harp seals were killed. Last year it was closer to 69,000. Thousands of seals have been spared because of our efforts to shut down markets for seal products around the world. But thousands more will be killed this year and every year until we stop the slaughter. Help us make the ice safe for every defenseless pup» In all the years I’ve been devoted to this cause, we are closer than ever to ending the slaughter -- and it's because of you. I know if we band together we can win this battle. Make an emergency gift to help sustain our work on the ice and protect baby seals» Thank you for being here in spirit, and thank you again for your support. Sincerely,
 Rebecca Aldworth Executive Director Humane Society International/Canada      |
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