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sexta-feira, 29 de abril de 2011

40+ Dogs Rescued from Alleged Fighting Ring

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Latest News from the Frontlines of Animal Welfare
April 29, 2011

The Dog Fighting Victim 1. ASPCA Assists Feds in Major Dog Fighting, Gang Bust
The ASPCA is in Virginia with 41 dogs removed from an alleged dog fighting ring. The raid followed a yearlong investigation that culminated in four arrests related to gun, drug, conspiracy and dog fighting charges. Read more...
There's an App for THAT?! 2. Help Us Sack "Dog Wars" App
Who wasn’t outraged when they learned about Kage Games’ new mobile dog fighting game? Please sign our petition to get the app permanently pulled from the marketplace!
MO Ignores Voters, Allows Cruelty to Continue 3. Missouri Legislature Passes Governor-Backed Puppy Mill Compromise
Several special-interest groups have quietly brokered a puppy mill deal that undermines the will of the state’s voters and dismantles many of the core provisions of Proposition B.
The Rescued Dog 4. ASPCA Happy Tails: Everybody Loves Rocco
Rocco was just a few months old when he arrived at the ASPCA last fall. Now this “51-pound lap dog” is famous in his NYC neighborhood for his friendly demeanor and boundless energy.
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5. April Photo Contest Winners Announced!
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