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quarta-feira, 23 de março de 2011

Fwd: Tell Your Friends: Help End Horse Abuse in New York City!

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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kayla C., Care2 Action Alerts <>
Date: 2011/3/22
Subject: Tell Your Friends: Help End Horse Abuse in New York City!

Care2 subscriber since May 29, 2009   Forward to a Friend  |  Reread the Petition
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Dear Anne,

The horses who pull carriages in New York City perform hard labor in sweltering hot and freezing cold weather, then are housed at night in midtown buildings never meant to be "stables," with stalls often full of feces. More than 47,000 Care2 members (including you!) have sent message to the New York City Council to end horse abuse in New York City. Thank you!

Let's send an even stronger message: tell your friends -- especially those in New York! -- so more people can help replace horse-drawn carriages with 100% electric, 1920s-era replica classic cars. »

Many people think a carriage ride in New York City is harmless fun. But you and I know the abuse and hardships the horses face is anything but harmless -- and we need to spread the word.

Tell your friends to help end horse abuse in New York City. You can send a message with our tell-a-friend tool, post the petition to your Facebook profile, tweet it or copy and send the sample message below:

Sample email:

Hi -

I am writing to encourage you to join me in urging the New York City Council to replace cruel horse-drawn carriages with 100% electric, 1920s-era replica cars.

A carriage ride in New York City might seem like harmless fun, but the horses in the carriage industry face abuse and hardships performing hard labor seven days a week, whether it's sweltering hot or freezing cold, breathing hazardous exhaust fumes and walking through dangerous traffic.

At night, the horses are kept in midtown multi-story "stables" never meant to house horses. They're often tied to their stalls, which are often full of feces, and they can't lie down comfortably to get the rest they need.

Please help send a strong message to the New York City Council to end this abuse. We can replace these cruel horse-drawn carriages with fun, electric, 1920s-era replica cars that are good for the environment, fun for tourists and end the abuse of these horses.

Please sign this petition and join me in asking the New York City Council to end the abuse of New York City carriage horses.


Thanks for taking action!

ThePetitionSite, Inc.
275 Shoreline Drive, Suite 300
Redwood City, CA 94065

Anne Brito

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