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quarta-feira, 23 de março de 2011

Fwd: Tell China: Don't Support Bear Bile Farms

english mobile

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kayla C., Care2 Action Alerts <>
Date: 2011/3/5
Subject: Tell China: Don't Support Bear Bile Farms

Care2 subscriber since Feb 9, 2007   |  Take Action |  Tell a Friend
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Hi Anne,

In China, bears are farmed for their bile, which is used in traditional Chinese medicine. The bears are housed in coffin-size cages and the bile is extracted through a tube implanted in their gall bladders.

Tell the China's Shenzhen Stock Exchange not to condone animal cruelty. »

Bears farmed for their bile suffer immensely, Many get infections and liver cancer, and they typically only live 5 years compared with 25 years in the wild.

Now, the Gui Zhen Tang Pharmaceutical Corporation, which produces bear bile, wants inclusion in the Shenzheng Stock Exchange. Allowing this company into the stock exchange will send a message that bear bile farming is okay: We can't let that happen.

Urge the Shenzhen Stock Exchange not to allow the Gui Zhen Tang Pharmaceutical Corporation into their exchange. »

Thanks for taking action!


Tell the Shenzhen Stock Exchange: Don't Support Bear Bile Farms!
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Anne Brito

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