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domingo, 6 de fevereiro de 2011

Fwd: Rabbits in China aren't celebrating the new year

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From: Ingrid Newkirk <>
Date: 2011/2/3
Subject: Rabbits in China aren't celebrating the new year

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Rabbits in China aren't celebrating the new year
The Year of the Rabbit is no cause for celebration for rabbits and other animals suffering on Chinese fur farms. You can help them by making a special gift right now. Donate Now!
Dear Anne,

Today is Chinese New Year, which marks the beginning of the Year of the Rabbit. But for the millions of individual rabbits and other animals suffering on Chinese fur farms, today is a day like any other.

These gentle animals spend nearly their entire lives crammed in filthy wire cages that are so small the animals are often unable to move more than a few tiny steps. They are born and raised to die at the hands of workers who kill them using methods — such as neck-breaking, suffocation, poisoning, and electrocution — that keep the rabbits' skin intact so that it can be sold. The skin of rabbits who are not fortunate enough to die instantly is often ripped from their bodies while they are still conscious.

As millions celebrate the Year of the Rabbit, I hope that you'll take a stand for rabbits and all other animals who are suffering on fur farms by sending a special gift in support of PETA's work to expose, confront, and stop this cruelty.

Why are these animals subjected to such cruelty and abuse? It's all done in the name of fashion!

Millions of individual animals are killed each year for the clothing industry — and more than half the fur used in the U.S. comes from China. PETA is convincing leading retailers and designers around the world to eliminate fur and exotic-animal skins from their clothing lines, and top designers — including Stella McCartney, Tommy Hilfiger, Calvin Klein, Ralph Lauren, and Liz Claiborne — are setting fashion trends without using any skins.

Even though she knows about the suffering that's behind every fur-trimmed coat, hat, and bag, Donna Karan continues to use fur in her collections. Even footage like this has failed to convince her to remove fur from her clothing lines.

PETA is leading the fight to save animals through our eye-opening campaigns against retailers and designers — such as Donna Karan — who still use animal skins. We are on the front lines in the fight to convince the fashion industry that compassion is the fashion — and we're winning! Our affiliate PETA Asia is also on the ground fighting in China. But our work would not be possible without the support of people like you.

Please take a stand today to help us end the suffering of animals wherever and whenever it occurs. Thank you for playing a part in our work to stop the abuse and neglect of animals!

With kind regards,

Ingrid E. Newkirk

P.S. As the world celebrates Chinese New Year, I hope that you'll take a stand on behalf of rabbits and other animals who are suffering on fur farms in China. Please make the Year of the Rabbit the most successful year in PETA's campaign to expose, confront, and end the slaughter of animals for clothing.
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  This e-mail was sent by PETA, 501 Front St., Norfolk, VA 23510 USA.


Anne Brito

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