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quinta-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2011

Fwd: Feds Prepare Alaskan Wolf Cull

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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jamie Rappaport Clark, Defenders of Wildlife <>
Date: 2011/1/27
Subject: Feds Prepare Alaskan Wolf Cull

Save America's Wolves

Stop the Alaskan Wolf Cull

Gray Wolf (FWS, effected)

Federal officials could kill half the wolves on Alaska's Unimak Island.


Save Wolves - Take Action

Urge the Fish and Wildlife Service to put science first and think through whether wolf control is necessary and legal.

Dear Wolf Supporter,

What would it take to justify using helicopters and gassing pups to kill half the wolves in a federal wilderness area?

That's exactly what federal officials are now proposing for the wolves of Alaska's Unimak Island… appeasing state officials hungry for more predator control at the expense of sound science.

Help save the Unimak wolves. Please take action now.

As a former head of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, I know a little something about the importance of science in wildlife management.

And having personally reviewed the Fish and Wildlife's justification for killing the Unimak wolves, I can tell you that the wolves of Unimak are being targeted to boost caribou numbers on the island without adequate justification.

Speak out for sound science. Urge the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to conduct a full Environmental Impact Statement before authorizing the killing of any wolves on the Island.

Comments on the plan are due this Monday, so
please send your message right now.

The Fish and Wildlife Service has already conducted a Draft Environmental Assessment of their wolf-killing plan, but that plan fails to account for other potential causes for the decline in caribou numbers on the island.

The assessment also shows that the island's caribou herd is prone to fluctuations – meaning the current decline in caribou may be a natural and necessary occurrence.

And while officials say that the wolf killing is justified to ensure subsistence hunting, state officials are pushing for even more widescale hunting... which could ultimately lead to the death of even more wolves.

Put the brakes on the Unimak wolf cull. Send a message to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service now.

These are wolves on federal lands, and it's our responsibility to protect them. Alaskan officials are eager to kill wolves on federal lands beyond Unimak, so we need to draw a line in the sand now.

Public comments are due January 31st, so please take action now.


Jamie Rappaport Clark, Defenders of Wildlife

Jamie Rappaport Clark
Executive Vice President
Defenders of Wildlife

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