---------- Forwarded message ----------
Ingrid Newkirk <newsmanager@peta.org> Date: 2011/1/28
Subject: Abused animals can't lose a friend like you
| | | Dear Anne,
Our 2011 New Member Drive ends on January 31. I urge you to make a commitment to keeping animals safe from harm by becoming a PETA member online right now.
There are so many animals who desperately need us—and you—to keep fighting for them. Monkeys are having their heads drilled into, being forced to inhale cigarette smoke, and having toxic chemicals pumped into their stomachs for cruel and archaic experiments. Elephants are being struck, shackled, and forced to perform painful tricks under bright lights. Dogs and cats are right now suffering out in the cold, with no shelter and no love.
PETA is doing everything that it can to rescue those monkeys, release those elephants from their life of pain, and bring some comfort to those lonely, freezing dogs and cats. But it is the financial support of PETA members that makes our work possible. Your support as a new PETA member will give those animals a chance.
By becoming a PETA member today, you'll join hundreds of others who have stepped up during our New Member Drive. And you will receive exclusive member benefits, including a free subscription to Animal Times, our wonderful quarterly magazine featuring delicious vegan recipes, details on PETA's latest victories, and tips on helping animals in your own community. You'll also receive a 10 percent discount when you shop the PETA Catalog. Best of all, you will know that you are helping countless individual animals in need.
Anne, I know how much you care about animals and how appalled you are by the violence inflicted upon them. That's why you became a PETA supporter in the first place.
I doubt that your commitment to animals has changed. So I urge you—don't turn your back on them now. Please become a PETA member today and join us in helping abused and neglected animals who need every friend they can get. Thank you.
Very truly yours, Ingrid E. Newkirk President
P.S. Just this week, supporters like you helped PETA top 1 million fans on Facebook. Now we need your help to reach our goal of adding 1,000 donors during our 2011 New Member Drive by the end of this month. Won't you become a PETA member by making a tax-deductible gift right now? | | | | | | | photo credit: © Kencredible
This e-mail was sent by PETA, 501 Front St., Norfolk, VA 23510 USA.
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