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domingo, 16 de janeiro de 2011

Fwd: Help Protect Russia's Animals

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From: Campaign Team, Care2 Action Alerts <>
Date: 2011/1/15
Subject: Help Protect Russia's Animals

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Help Protect
Russia's Animals
Help Protect Russia's Animals
Take Action!
Hi Anne,

Russia has no federal law regarding animal protection -- leaving some animals subject to abuse and torture.

Recently, video clips of a dog being abused by members of the Russian Army surfaced on the internet. Although complaints have been filed, justice has yet to be served due to a lack of legislation restricting these actions. Concerned citizens however, have been inspired to take a stand.

They created a petition to tell Russian authorities to pass legislation to protect animals.

Here is what they have to save about the situation:

Dear friends,

I encourage you to join me in telling Prime Minister Putin to pursue an adoption of Federal law regarding animal protection in Russia. Without a working federal law of animal protection, the civilized and culturally developed Russia can be considered one of the most backward countries when it comes to animal welfare.

Help now to protect our animals of this horrible "nobody cares" reality! Please sign this petition to send a strong message to Prime Minister Putin.

Best regards,
Elena Douchin
To help protect these animals in Russia, sign the petition.»

Thank you for making a difference.



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